Let’s Create A Better World – 02.13.16

Liz Barris is an activist who has been tirelessly working at making the public aware of the dangers concerning wireless radiation which is coming from various sources in the city and people’s homes. She gives an update on the latest progress in her continuous fight to remedy the situation (or eradicate the technology) which severely affects people who are hyper-sensitive to Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF’s).
Being one of these people being affected, Liz talks about how her life was disrupted as she got sick where she lived, at home, and at work, causing her to actually have to move several times.
We talked at length about the dangers of radiation and how many people will gradually be affected by it. Currently there are numerous lawsuits around the country concerning people who have already been affected, some becoming extremely sick and others actually dying.

Sources of this radiation include cell phones, cell phone towers, wifi in homes and across the city – as is the case where Liz was living – and also comes from computers, laptops, wireless phones, power lines and smart meters, etc. Smart meters are some of the latest of this technology from gas and electric companies which are being installed on homes, businesses, apartment buildings, and anywhere else that uses those utilities.

Catherine J. Frompovich – Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Recognized by the World Health Organization; Suggests They Be Included in the International Classification of Diseases

The World Health Organization (WHO), on September 4th, 2015, issued a one-page press release, regarding “International Scientific Declaration on Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity” along with a five-page “Statement of International Scientific Declaration on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity” that, not only is long overdue, but critically important to untold millions of people around the world who suffer from …