SPECIAL: HOMEOPATHY Dr. Alex Tournier is a practicing homeopath and scientific researcher. he studied physics at Imperial College of London, theoretical physics at the Cambridge University and received his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg studying the biophysics of water-protein interactions. In 2007 he founded and is now the director of the Homeopathy Research Institute in London, a charitable organization …
Resistance Radio – Guest: John Seed – 01.07.18
John Seed is the founder of the Rainforest Information Centre and has dedicated his life to the protection of rainforests and their biodiversity since 1979. In 1995 he was awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) by the Australian Government for services to conservation and the environment. He also practices permaculture and is interested in the huge role that unsustainable …
The Gary Null Show – 08.17.17
Today is August 17th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. In this episode Gary gets into a long commentary on depression and takes calls from his listeners on the topic. In the second half of the program Gary …
Meria Heller – Conversations with David – 07.23.17
Conversations with David. Meria and David Icke. So called progressives are actually tyrannical; liberals;political correctness and “new speak” (Orwell); divide and rule; labels dividing us further;group think is group judgement; inversions everywhere;Macron/Schumer silencing criticism of Israel;paranoia/fear and self censorship; Tony Blair, Justin Trudeau;identity politics; the arrogance of ignorance; mass mind control; the loss of self awareness; the isolation of social media (another inversion); …
Yves Smith – Why Economic Recovery Requires Rethinking Capitalism
In 2008, Queen Elizabeth II went to the London School of Economics to open a new academic building. The British Monarch has made it a life’s work to avoid saying anything contentious in public, but this time she had a question for the economists: Why had they not seen the financial crash coming? Her question went to the heart of …
The Gary Null Show – 11.27.15
Prof. Harvey Wasserman is a professor of history at Columbus State College and Capital University in Ohio. He is an investigative journalist, author and has been a national voice in the anti-war and anti-nuclear movements for over four decades. He is also a senior advisor for Greenpeace USA and the Nuclear Information and Resource Service and founder of Solartopia.org, a grassroots endeavor to promote a green-powered earth. Among his many books are “George W Bush vs. the Superpower of Peace” and “Solartopia: Our Green Powered Earth.” His articles appear frequently on Counterpunch, Alternet, NukeWatch, Huffington Post and others.
Harvey can also be heard every Thursday afternoon at 5 pm Eastern as host of “Green Power and Wellness Hour” on the Progressive Radio Network. His website is Solartopia.org
How British High Society Fell in Love With the Nazis – Tom Sykes
Controversy followed the publication of footage of a young queen giving a Nazi salute. But in those days, British high society’s worship of Hitler was in full bloom. Buckingham Palace has attempted to brush off the film of a young Queen giving a Nazi salute as ‘horseplay’ and insisted that the family were simply ‘messing around’ for the camera when …