CHARLES P. PIERCE – What Happens When Water for 30 Million People Disappears

Believe it or not, there are actual concerns in the world that do not depend on what 1,000 people in Iowa, called at random, think of the trustworthiness of a guy who gets policy advice from Alex Jones. There is, for example, the Lake Chad Basin in Africa, which is probably where our next humanitarian disaster is about to happen. Nine …

Leid Stories – 09.04.15

We Have Our Own Debates on “Free Your Mind Friday!”

Waiting for the next round of televised, lip-flapping, corporate-media Q&A sessions they’re calling “debates?” Fuggeddaboudit!

Get your own points of view heard on Leid Stories’ “Free Your Mind Friday.” The program is devoted to listeners’ points of view about any subject they choose, and fellow listeners are encouraged to engage the subject(s) further or take the conversation on an entirely different course.

We’re a well-mannered, well-adjusted lot, and though we have strong opinions, we’re all about respectfully sounding each other’s ideas out.

Leave the pols and their media acolytes to their prating. Join a group of people who actually say what they mean and mean what they say!