Scientists warn of hormone impacts from benzene, xylene, other common solvents – Brian Bienkowski

Four chemicals present both inside and outside homes might disrupt our endocrine systems at levels considered safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, according to an analysis released today. The chemicals – benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene – are ubiquitous: in the air outside and in many products inside homes and businesses. They have been linked to reproductive, respiratory and heart …

24,000 Chemicals may be Tainting Your Bottled Water

Tap water is by no means something to reach for when looking to achieve optimal health (check this out to see why that is). But unfortunately, the common alternative of bottled water isn’t really much better. Not only does the massive amount of plastic used to produce bottled water desecrate our lands and oceans, but research has actually found bottled water to …