It’s All About Food – Joel Helfrich, Rochester River School – 07.12.16

Part I: Joel Helfrich, Rochester River School: Proposed First Vegan Public School in the U.S

Joel is a father, educator, and activist who lives in the City of Rochester, near Highland Park. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor of history at Monroe Community College and, formerly, a Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. He received his BA in history from the University of Rochester, an MPhil degree in American Studies from the University of Glasgow in Scotland, and a PhD in history from the University of Minnesota. His doctoral dissertation is a historical investigation of Western Apache struggles over a sacred and ecologically unique mountain in Arizona from 1871 to 2002. He has also worked on animal rights, environmental, historic and sacred sites preservation, and social justice issues. He holds the conviction that a myopic focus defeats the most important work any historian does—being an informed and informative member of society. He sees the environment as a site where much of his historical training can be brought to bear, so he continues to pursue those interests as well as others.

iEat Green – Wenonah Hauter – 06.30.16

Wenonah Hauter is an activist, author and progressive policy advocate. She is the founder and executive director of Food & Water Watch, an organization that, under her leadership, has fundamentally transformed the national debate about hydraulic fracturing (fracking), energy and the environment.

Wenonah has three decades of experience campaigning and writing on food, water, energy and environmental issues. She has played leading roles in successful campaigns to ban fracking in New York, label genetically modified foods, protect public water systems from privatization and promote renewable energy. She has trained and mentored hundreds of organizers and activists across the country and worked at the national, state and local levels to develop policy positions and legislative and field strategies to secure real wins for communities and the environment.

The Gary Null Show – 06.15.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary goes over health and healing and talks about the environment and plays great audio clips:

Another study proves this simple activity rejuvenates the brain

Eating more whole grains linked with lower mortality rates

Consumption of this antioxidant reduces heart disease mortality by 40 percent

Top 3 antioxidant-rich vegetables help prevent cancer, heal the skin & slow aging

Gary goes to a music break and plays a great song: Chicago – Saturday In The Park. Then back to the show:Gary speaks about meaning many people while he was traveling around the country and saw ways they got around zoning laws. He decided to not tell the location to help the people.

Understanding zoning and tiny houses

FL attorney says growing vegetables not a fundamental right

VIDEO: Bill Moyers Essay: The End Game for Democracy

Massacres that have happened in America that were as bad or worse them the horrible attack in Orlando:

1850 Bloody Island Massacre

The Ludlow Massacre

The Lawrence Massacre

The Colfax Massacre

The Greenwood Massacre

The Chinese Massacre of 1871

The Paoli Massacre

The Waxhaw Massacre

The Fort Pillow Massacre

The Goliad Massacre

The Red Summer

Gary takes calls from listeners to discuss today’s topics and then Luanne comes on air to discuss Gary’s new Health Support System Classes. Call her if interested: 631-504-6198

Clearing The Fog – Escalating the Resistance to Fossil Fuels – 05.24.16

May has been a month of escalated resistance to fossil fuel industries and a call for a rapid transition to clean renewable sources of energy. The month began with Break Free: two weeks of direct action targeting coal, oil and gas around the world. That was followed by a week of action called the Rubber Stamp Rebellion protesting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for its approval of new fossil fuel infrastructure without adequate consideration of the impacts new projects will have on the health and safety of communities, harm to the environment or worsening of the climate crisis. We speak with three advocates who are working to stop dangerous fossil fuel projects.

The Gary Null Show – 05.16.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave us great news on health, the environment and public schools. Listen below or click on a link to learn more:

Omega-3 levels linked to better cognitive performance

Regular physical activity is ‘magic bullet’ for pandemics of obesity, cardiovascular disease

What foods can help fight the risk of chronic inflammation?

Another reason for wine lovers to toast resveratrol

Omega-3 lowers childhood aggression in short term

Will new chemical law hide the fracking industry’s toxic secrets?

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this classic jam: The Spinners – Could It Be I’m Falling In Love. Gary returns to discuss “The March against Monsato.” He will be in Fort Myers, 13499 South Cleveland Avenue, Here are all the locations having “A March Against Monsato.” Then on Sunday morning at 9am, at 5th ave and 90th Street for the 1st meeting of this year’s “Natural Living Running and Walking Club.” It is free and helps you get in shape. Lastly Luanne comes on and talks about Gary’s only support group this year. It starts Saturday June 11, 2016 at 3PM on the Upper West Side and will be helping people with Anti-Aging, Hair Loss, Muscles, Skin and the Brain. Email Luanne at or call her at 631-504-6198.Gary returns to the show with this great video:

VIDEO: Stupid in America: How we cheat our kids – John Stossel looks at the ways the U.S. public education system cheats students out of a quality education.

Why teachers matter in dark times – Henry A. Giroux

Connect The Dots – Election Season Uproar Volume I – 05.11.16

Listen to Arun Gupta, journalist, author, and founding editor of the Indypendent sharing his insightful and provocative analysis about the upcoming election with Alison Rose Levy. Second half of the show will feature Heidi Hutner, Director of the Sustainability Studies Program at Stonybook University discussing ecofeminism and how to take a stand both for feminism and the environment.

Let’s Create A Better World – 04.30.16

We have two guests on the show. The first talks about food, water and how environmental change is playing a major role in the negative effects our food is having on us and the world in which we live. The second guest discusses overcoming alcohol addiction and living a healthy, “Soulfully Aware” life. Our first guest is Kari Hamerschlag, senior program manager for “Friends of the Earth”. She speaks about the harmful affects our current food and water supply are having on us and our environment. Furthermore, she discusses Food, Water, Agriculture, Climate Change and Biodiversity. Our second guest, Natalie Rountree, is an advocate for bringing awareness to the pain and struggles of women, mothers and others facing addiction to alcohol or in recovery. She is the founder of “Sober Living Soulful Living” which focuses on inspiring and encouraging those in recovery from alcoholism. Natalie has aided hundreds of people in their recovery since 2008 and continues to inspire thousands more daily with her story, her blogs, public speaking events, Facebook page, podcasts and more.

Let’s Create A Better World – 04.23.16

John Fox is an outspoken leader of Friends of the Earth and talks about many issues affecting us in the environment and the world around us. John’s group, Friends of the Earth, is coming off a major demonstration attended by 1,000’s on Saturday April 16th, 2016. In protest and confrontation with the police over 200 demonstrated were arrested including our guest John Fox. Several hundred activist groups of all types attended in support of the rally including the leading group Friends of the Earth.

John’s group is not a traditional environmental group. Instead they are an activist group that is fighting for the rights of the planet for all us and this beautiful earth of ours. John seeks to change the perception of the public, media and policy makers — and effect policy change — with hard-hitting, well-reasoned policy analysis and advocacy campaigns that describe what needs to be done, rather than what is seen as politically feasible or politically correct.

Topics discussed include climate Change, food, water, the air we breathe, demonstration of the devastation going on with forests and oceans and more.

Friends of the Earth: