Progressive Radio Network

ER (TV series)

EFT might be your answer -  Energy Stew interview with Steve Gottlieb Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has become a very popular healing tool and is…
Just before his eighty-ninth birthday, my father was watching a Viagra commercial on TV. It ends with the warning, "If an erection persists for more…
If death is the final taboo, it might not be for much longer. There has, in recent years, been increasing effort to promote conversations about death and…
Nearly 600,000 Americans have annual medication costs above $50,000- The number of U.S. patients taking at least $100,000 worth of prescription drugs tripled in 2014-…
Chaos and disruptions in medical care have had one tragic and destructive effect that no one is addressing: the deaths of more than 2,000 physicians by…