Cole Mellino – Climate Change Could Ruin Your Sex Life, Economists Warn

Climate change threatens so many things Americans love: maple syrup, avocados and lately even pumpkins. Now, climate change is even threatening our ability to reproduce. According to a new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, warmer weather means less “coital frequency.” “Extreme heat leads to a sizable fall in births,” the study says. “Temperature extremes could affect coital frequency. It could affect …

Private Prison Corporations Stand With Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has called, tepidly, for an end to mass incarceration, in vague terms, without policy details: “There is something profoundly wrong when African-American men are far more likely to be stopped by the police and charged with crimes and given longer prison terms than their white counterparts,” Clinton said. “There is something wrong when trust between law enforcement and …

Kali Holloway – Why We’re Sick and Tired of Wellness

In big-picture terms, wellness sounds like a pretty good idea right about now. Around the world, obesity rates [3] are climbing (astoundingly, the planet’s “1.6 billion overweight [4] and obese now outnumber the malnourished by nearly 2-to-1”). Noncommunicable illnesses such as heart attack and diabetes [5] have supplanted starvation and malnutrition as the world’s leading killers. Fast food proliferates [6] globally, …

Anxiety Speeds Cellular Aging – Maylin Rodriguez-Paez

We’ve always known that anxiety takes a toll on the human body. Anxious people are more likely to suffer from heart disease and other diseases, for example. To date, however, we haven’t been too sure about anxiety’s effects on aging. Interestingly enough, a new study shows anxiety shortens telomeres, the end caps of DNA. The results were published online in …