Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary starts off by bringing you the best health and environmental insights, Gary goes to the phones for a “Talk Back” segment after playing some audio clips that will give you a better look at Bill Gates saying we can reduce population growth with vaccines, Kissinger Papers reveal Death Squads and Saudi Arabian Uncovered Secrets Revealing Mind Blowing a documentary by the BBC.
Heart of Mind Radio – 06.17.16
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis introduces a new research project and invites listener participation through phone calls, emails and work-group meetings. Volunteers in the project will receive a flash drive including a variety of PDF documents
Aboriginal Disclosure Project: America, fact, fiction, history and legend.
The project includes historical documents including:
Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius – The Discovery of the New World; The Cabotian Discovery: Acquisition of territory by discovery; Colonization of Free Colored People; Eugenics, Race Integrity and the 20th Century and much more.
Connect by contacting Kathryn Davis
(347) 480-1694 or my email
Quantum Qigong
“Integrate Your Body, Mind and Spirit!
Qigong in a graceful interplay of breath, meditation and movement designed to cultivate inner peace and activate your innate healing capacity.
Saturdays 2:00 – 3:00 PM until July 30th
603 Bergen St., Bklyn, NY 11238
(Between Carlton & Vanderbilt Ave)
$20 per class $60 for 4 classes
The National Socialist Roots Of Compulsory Vaccination
Legislators in thirteen states have introduced bills that would severely constrict or eliminate exemptions from compulsory vaccination, with the intended aim of coercing, cajoling, or forcing those who have not been vaccinated to become so. Those states are California (SB 277); Illinois (SB 1410); Maine (LD 606); Maryland (HB 687); Minnesota (SF 380 and HF 393); New Jersey (S 1147 …