Defenders of industrial farming often point to its capacity to produce food on a global scale as the trade-off for its environmentally destructive methods—but a…
A new report released Tuesday reveals how "U.S.-based multinational corporations are allowed to play by a different set of rules than small and domestic businesses…
The corporate state, no matter how many protests take place in American cities over the murder of unarmed citizens, will put no restraints on the police…
"Updates on top Corp leaders and top govt officials as tight partners, British wages and Brexit, Goldman Sachs. Interview Prof Michael Pelias on Long Island…
Last year we published a document entitled Ten Reasons to Defend the Corporate Income Tax, outlining how the tax is under constant attack, in country after…
* Food producers are worried that it will lead to the EU market being flooded with genetically modified organisms Slovakia should join Austria and France…
France wants to halt thorny EU-US trade talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) as President Francois Hollande underlined there would be no…
The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), a controversial trade deal between Canada and the European Union (E.U.), threatens food safety and other consumer standards,…
Beneath the marionette theater of American electoral and parliamentary democracy, policy is made by a “deep state” oligarchy of corporate and financial elites. The political…