Meria Heller – Meria with Richie Allen – 01.22.17

Meria’s guest is Richie Allen of The Richie Allen Show. Snow in Spain and Italy – weather modification;Dennis Kucinich on chemtrails and dept of peace; two sides of same coin – US election; what happens when trump let’s his people down? Netanyahu; Votescam;Best Democracy Money Can Buy; All countries spy on each other;Mad Dog Mattis;Eric Prince/trump/Betsy DeVos;Exxon Mobil; is trump authentic? Pence a Rothschild/Zionist;Bush & Putin;Vaccines;trump and Hollywood;where’s the anti-war movement? Most Americans don’t know we’re still at war;Theresa May and Brexit and world citizens; the Hunger Games agenda; artificial intelligence and “jobs” and much more.

Nafeez Ahmed – The UK’s ‘national security’ plan? It’s a blueprint for a police state

In early December, the British government released its first annual report on the National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review. Despite the total media blackout, the document reveals in stark detail the Conservative government’s plans to expand Britain’s military activities around the world. In the name of defending “national security”, Britain is building a “permanent” military presence in …

BRIAN CLOUGHLEY – The Decline and Fall of Britain

It is sad to have to have to acknowledge that the country of one’s birth is in decline, but there are signs that Great Britain has fallen on the slippery slope of moral deterioration.  The recent surge in nationalistic jingoism and xenophobia in Britain is lamentable and obnoxious. In October the British Home Office reported that the number of racist …

F. William Engdahl – The Euro Is Murdering Europe

The Euro is murdering the nations and economies of the EU quite literally. Since the fixed currency regime came into effect, replacing national currencies in transactions in 2002, the fixed exchange rate regime has devastated industry in the periphery states of the 19 Euro members while giving disproportionate benefit to Germany. The consequence has been a little-noted industrial contraction and …

James Moore – Brexit ‘spinning out of control’, top bosses warn

Business leaders have urged the Government to take immediate action amid fears that Brexit was in danger of “spinning out of control”, paralysing British industry and dealing a devastating blow to the economy. They also demanded ministers protect “thousands of valued European employees” fearing for their futures in a Britain outside Europe. The alarm was raised as the Government’s strategy …