Meditations and Molotovs – 03.06.17

March 6th – 2017: On today’s program, Vince finishes his three part conversation with Sergio Alexander Kochergin as they reflect on their time with Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, and the broader peace and justice movement. They also discuss Sergio’s time in India, studying in the EU and reflections on activism and political organizing.

Meria Heller – Meria with Richie Allen – 01.22.17

Meria’s guest is Richie Allen of The Richie Allen Show. Snow in Spain and Italy – weather modification;Dennis Kucinich on chemtrails and dept of peace; two sides of same coin – US election; what happens when trump let’s his people down? Netanyahu; Votescam;Best Democracy Money Can Buy; All countries spy on each other;Mad Dog Mattis;Eric Prince/trump/Betsy DeVos;Exxon Mobil; is trump authentic? Pence a Rothschild/Zionist;Bush & Putin;Vaccines;trump and Hollywood;where’s the anti-war movement? Most Americans don’t know we’re still at war;Theresa May and Brexit and world citizens; the Hunger Games agenda; artificial intelligence and “jobs” and much more.

Alternative Visions – French Elections 2017: Le Pen, Macron or ‘United Left’ -02.10.17

Jack Rasmus invites guest, Alan Benjamin, to discuss the pending April-May elections in France. How goes France goes Europe, the saying goes. Will Le Pen’s right wing National Front Party pull off a ‘Trump Surprise’ and win the elections, pulling France out of the European Union as she promised? Will the independent Macron united the remnants of capitalist parties and right wing social democracy in the Socialist Party and win? What is the ‘united left’ in formation in France? What does it mean by ‘left frexit’. Benjamin provides a ‘on site’ analysis from his work in Europe and France today not available in mainstream media. Rasmus and Benjamin discuss the collapse of traditional social democracy in Europe as it has aligned with European Neoliberalism and the rise of both right wing populist parties and emerging left wing alternatives. The positions of all the major parties in the French election are explained. Comparisons to the UK Labor Party, Germany’s SPD and AfD, Spain’s Podemos, and with US ‘Sanders-Warren’ efforts to ‘reform’ the US Democrat party are discussed.

Trends This Week – Why gold will endure – 02.08.17

Trend forecaster Gerald Celente provides a “globalnomic” view on how all roads lead to gold. The War on Terror continues, tensions in Israel escalate, and the populist parties across Europe continue to gain popularity. Despite rising interest rates strengthening the dollar, gold prices will rise as investors seek a safe-haven asset amid rising tensions and destabilized economies all over the world.

Genetically Modified Insects Could Put Organic Farmers At Risk And Disrupt International Food Trade

Genetically modified organisms for pest control could end up as contaminants in agricultural products throughout the globe. “There’s a fly in my soup.” This statement conjures up the image of a dead fly in a bowl of soup rather than a genetically modified insect being served up with organic vegetables. However, this is not a totally unrealistic scenario as experimental …

Role of terrestrial biosphere in counteracting climate change may have been underestimated

It is widely known that the terrestrial biosphere (the collective term for all the world’s land vegetation, soil, etc.) is an important factor in mitigating climate change, as it absorbs around 20% of all fossil fuel CO2 emissions. However, its role as a net carbon sink is affected by land-use changes such as deforestation and expanded agricultural practice. A new …

Alastair Crooke – Deep State vs. Donald Trump

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said it often: the door to co-operation (with the U.S.) “lies ajar.” He has said it repeatedly: that it was not Moscow in the first place that had withered – and then severed – the lines of communication with Washington. And Mr. Putin has been consistent in periodically easing the path to “Moscow” for President …

Economic Update – “Trumponomics Exposed” – 01.29.17

“Updates on Basic economy airfares, Trump-May delusions, drop in US union membership, Trump’s attacks on Mexico and TPP, elite colleges vs state schools. Major discussion of (1) what ‘capitalism’ means and (2) fake ‘jobs’ policies.”

Alternative Visions – Trump’s First Week–Government by Executive Order (Is Trump a Fascist?) – 01.27.17

Dr. Rasmus reviews the major events in the first week of the Trump administration, both domestic and global, as Trump ‘governs’ by Executive Order. Rasmus explains government by executive order has no basis in the US constitution, but Trump is using EOs as the Republican Congress takes the next 6 months to formulate and pass big corporation favored legislation on tax cuts, business deregulation, and replacing Obamacare and Dodd-Frank bank regulations. Trump EOs on immigration and the ‘wall’, the collapse of meeting and negotiations with Mexican president, Pena Nieto, are discussed as is whether a ‘trade war’ with Mexico brewing. Teresa May’s visit to Trump as Britain begs the US to help it bail out of the EU and Eurozone; the exodus of career officials at the Dept. of State? Rasmus describes similarities between Trump and Nixon, and discusses the growing discussion whether Trump represents a new fascism? What really are the elements of fascism. The show concludes with a review of some global economic events this past week, including infighting in the Eurozone over QE, Germany’s newest conflict with Greece over debt, electoral events in Germany and French elections, Mexico’s economic crisis, Emerging Markets economies loading up on dollar debt, China’s fight with speculators, and the non-significance of US stock market, the DOW, reaching 20,000.