Italy’s government is on the verge of collapse. Prime minister Matteo Renzi reiterated his position just yesterday, he will not hang on if a referendum…
San Diego is renowned for its great beaches, stellar food, and conscious populace, but it will soon be recognized for something even greater… According to…
In today’s world, plastic is an essential raw material. Since their invention in the 1930’s, plastics have become ubiquitous in the manufacture of everyday products.…
The Southern Ocean is a forbidding place, mostly unvisited by humans. Winds of more than 120 kilometers per hour wreak havoc, and waves routinely wash…
The Euro is murdering the nations and economies of the EU quite literally. Since the fixed currency regime came into effect, replacing national currencies in…
A bright speck of climate news was quickly overshadowed by the presidential election this week—America’s children have officially won the right to sue their government…
The EU and Italy have a hidden agenda in training Libyan naval forces to intercept smugglers. Italy and the Netherlands began training Libyan coast guard…
Business leaders have urged the Government to take immediate action amid fears that Brexit was in danger of “spinning out of control”, paralysing British industry…