The Infectious Myth – James Lyons-Weiler on Vaccines, Genes and Autism, Part 2 – 01.31.17

David continues his interview with James Lyons-Weiler, author of the book, “The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism”. His research indicates that genes can cause greater susceptibility to environmental toxins, such as the mercury and aluminum found in some vaccines, but that genes alone cannot explain the recent explosion in the rate of autism. His blog is at
David concludes with a short critique of some of US President Donald Trump’s first few executive orders. Uh, oh!

Leid Stories—Trump: Out of [Executive] Order (Part 2)—01.31.17

With 17 executive orders issued within his first 10 days in office, President Donald Trump already has won the record for most prolific use of the backdoor presidential power that requires no congressional input. Trump’s executive actions are being spun as a man wasting no time in getting things done, but it’s clear he prefers the go-it-alone method of decision making. His business model, after all, is autocratic, so why should he change it just because he’s president?
He probably was not expecting to be opposed this early in his term, and he probably reasoned that even if challenged, he could weather the storm. But the massive Women’s March on Washington the day after his inauguration served notice that his new way of doing things will be matched by new types of opposition. The Women’s March and the protests against his travel ban against people from Muslim-majority countries, for example sparked protests all over the world and revived a moribund opposition at home.
Leid Stories discusses clues that Trump and his administration are miscalculating their strength and power, and the irony that they are actually fueling global anti-U.S. sentiment.

The Gary Null Show – 01.31.17

Today on a speical episode of The Gary Null Show, Gary covers a deep commentary on the topics going on in today’s world with Donald Trumo and the deporting. Gary plays a insightful audio clip by Ben Swann titled. Opportunistically Outraged? Protesters who are furious that Donald Trump wants to deport 3 million immigrants but silent as President Obama has actually done it. “Let that sink in, President Obama has deported more immigrants than every President of the 20th century combined. In the first half of the program Gary covers the latest in health and healing talking about working out, green tea benefits and how to live a longer life.

Teressa Rose Ezell – Black Snakes On The Move: Pipeline Expansion Out of Control

A Lakota prophecy tells of a mythic Black Snake that will move underground and bring destruction to the Earth. The “seventh sign” in Hopi prophecy involves the ocean turning black and bringing death to many sea-dwelling creatures. It doesn’t take an over-active imagination to make a connection between these images and oil pipelines and spills. It’s troubling enough that the …

Paul R. Pillar – Trump’s Incoherent Anti-Terrorism Policy

Donald Trump’s efforts, during his first week in office, to give substance to his campaign rhetoric have involved executive orders that have generated reactions ranging from bemusement over their vagueness to worried waiting for other shoes to drop. But the previous orders do not do as much quick damage, both to individual U.S. persons and their families and to broader U.S. …

Alternative Visions – Trump’s First Week–Government by Executive Order (Is Trump a Fascist?) – 01.27.17

Dr. Rasmus reviews the major events in the first week of the Trump administration, both domestic and global, as Trump ‘governs’ by Executive Order. Rasmus explains government by executive order has no basis in the US constitution, but Trump is using EOs as the Republican Congress takes the next 6 months to formulate and pass big corporation favored legislation on tax cuts, business deregulation, and replacing Obamacare and Dodd-Frank bank regulations. Trump EOs on immigration and the ‘wall’, the collapse of meeting and negotiations with Mexican president, Pena Nieto, are discussed as is whether a ‘trade war’ with Mexico brewing. Teresa May’s visit to Trump as Britain begs the US to help it bail out of the EU and Eurozone; the exodus of career officials at the Dept. of State? Rasmus describes similarities between Trump and Nixon, and discusses the growing discussion whether Trump represents a new fascism? What really are the elements of fascism. The show concludes with a review of some global economic events this past week, including infighting in the Eurozone over QE, Germany’s newest conflict with Greece over debt, electoral events in Germany and French elections, Mexico’s economic crisis, Emerging Markets economies loading up on dollar debt, China’s fight with speculators, and the non-significance of US stock market, the DOW, reaching 20,000.


WE ALREADY KNOW that the Trump administration plans to deregulate markets, wage all-out war on “radical Islamic terrorism,” trash climate science and unleash a fossil-fuel frenzy. It’s a vision that can be counted on to generate a tsunami of crises and shocks: economic shocks, as market bubbles burst; security shocks, as blowback from foreign belligerence comes home; weather shocks, as …

Project Censored – 12.01.15

With the 52nd anniversary of the JFK assassination recently past, Peter and Mickey present a rebroadcast of a November 2013 interview with Mark Lane, part of the observance of the 50th anniversary of the assassination.

Mark Lane is an author, attorney and independent researcher into the killing of JFK. He was one of the first to dispute the conclusions of the Warren Commission, and his written extensively about the assassination. His most recent book is “Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK.”

Project Censored – 11.24.15

Peter and Mickey spend the hour with David Talbot, author of “The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America’s Secret Government.” According to Talbot, Dulles — a Wall Street lawyer turned spymaster — shaped the modern CIA, defied the will of Presidents, and was complicit in the JFK assassination. Talbot says that Dulles’ influence continues into modern times, in government acitivities such as torture, rendition, and pervasive surveillance.