Today is December 1st and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. Today Gary talks about the benefits of yoga and other workouts. What new study on berries benefits you and a study on vitamin d. In the second half …
Connect The Dots – Dear President Obama – 06.22.16
Dear President Obama:
Featuring journalist documentary film maker, Jon Bowermaster in conversation with Alison Rose Levy, discussing his new documentary (narrated and executive produced by Mark Ruffalo) about fracking and the need for committed leadership from our elected officials.
What Women Must Know – How to Beat Diabetes Fast (and Stay Off Medication) and Reduce Breast Cancer Risk with Dr. Michael Mosley – 04.07.16
Dr. Michael Mosley is the #1 New York Times bestselling author, with Mimi Spencer, of the FastDiet published in over thirty-two languages around the world. He is also coauthor, with Peta Bee, of FastExercise and wrote the foreword for the FastDiet Cookbook by Mimi Spencer and Dr. Sarah Schenker. Dr. Mosley trained to be a doctor at the Royal Free Hospital in London before joining the BBC, where he has been a science journalist, executive producer, and, more recently, a well-known television personality. He has won numerous television awards, including an RTS (Royal Television Award), and was named Medical Journalist of the Year by the British Medical Association.
Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 03.28.16
Bernie’s Millennials/Hillary’s Guest list:
Guest #1: Jay Ponti is the Founder & Executive Producer of the 10X Visionary Leaders Summit and affords our young leaders the opportunity to participate in think tank coalitions with global leaders and non-governmental organizations from 10 social movements (Human Rights, Corporate Accountability, Media Reform & Innovation,Environmental Sustainability,The Women’s Movement,Progressive Education Reform, Interfaith Harmony,Health & Wellness,Veteran’s Affairs,Right to Privacy & Net Neutrality).
People get ready: the fight against a jobless economy and a citizen less democracy.
Guest #2: Author Robert McChesney is an American professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign as the Gutgsell Endowed Professor in the Department of Communication. He specializes in the history and political economy of communication, and the role media play in democratic and capitalist societies. He co-founded Free Press, a national media reform organization. From 2002–12, he hosted “Media Matters” weekly radio program every Sunday afternoon on WILL-AM radio.
Heart of Mind Radio – 03.18.16
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, in our first segment, host Kathryn Davis will feature Brother NorthStar, a peace pilgrim, vigilist, medicine walker and modern day Sojourner Truth to talk about his mission “One People, One Earth!”
In segment two we feature the work of Andrew Kaen, Audrey LightLanguage and Stephen Popiotek, who along with Kathryn will be participating in the New Life Expo taking place this weekend, March 18-20 at the Penn Plaza Pavillion in New York. For information go to
Why white, older men are more likely to die of suicide
In the United States, older men of European descent (so-called white men) have significantly higher suicide rates than any other demographic group. For example, their suicide rates are significantly higher than those of older men of African, Latino or Indigenous descent, as well as relative to older women across ethnicities. Behind these facts there is a cultural story, not just …