Progressive Radio Network

expat files

#1- What’s that “Gringo Advantage” thing all about? Well, it starts with “boots on the ground”, that's when you begin to notice the missing pieces…
-If you come down to Latin America with only a few suitcases and bags(highly recommended), you’ll eventually need a whole lot of stuff to fill…
-The so called “Lag Time” effect is alive and well here in Latin America. Example: now for the first time there's an "all new" great…
-Venezuela’s economy and currency, the Bolivar, are so out of control that the grey-market street exchange rate for dollars is now 50 times the official…
-More of the latest updates on certain Latin permanent residency programs for Expats. Note that very soon residency application requirements will be getting tougher. That…
-Gringos, gringas and new Expats beware. If you’re driving through Latin America and find the need to stop at a hotel for the night don’t…
-What’s the story on property taxes in Latin America? Maybe you’ve heard they’re ridiculously low- and they are. Note that by Latin standards, even when…
-Chinese autos have invaded Latin America. Though they look like the usual high end common models you’re familiar with(clones of Toyota, Honda even Range Rover)…
-Expats and gringos arrive in Latin America as newbees: not registered or tracked by any agencies or databases save for their entrance on immigration computers.…
A few pointed gringo/expat stories of how they’ve been ripped off or gouged by their own Latin lawyers. Sometimes clueless gringo schmucks never find out…
-Slowly but surely Latins are becoming more and more security conscious and with the usual lag time they are taking baby steps. For example, many…
-As promised, you can now send an email and get a free copy of the new e-book, “Fast Spanish” written by a faithful listener and…