We were joined this week by journalist, filmmaker, and graphic designer Leighton Woodhouse. His print stories have appeared in Gawker, The New Republic, VICE News, The Nation, Salon, and The Awl, and he has produced short documentaries for The Nation, Story of Stuff, and Participant Media. You can read more at http://leightonwoodhouse.com/. We finished with our customary update about the ongoing climate-change predicament.
Warrior Connection – 02.07.16
The February 7 edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion about bringing music into our lives with professional musicians / music teachers/ composers Nancy Haubrich and Bob Danielson – a husband / wife team who currently perform as “ALCHEMIE’ in the American southwest- New Mexico region. Bonnie Rokke Tinnes joined Doug Rokke to bring “Alchemie” to Warrior Connection given that Nancy was one of Bonnie’s 8th grade English students many years ago in northern Minnesota. A proud teacher showcasing a previous student’s unique and very successful accomplishments. Nancy introduced a brand new song world premier called “Straight Out of Kittson” that she wrote-composed, This new song takes her – one back home to the roots! THE IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY. She also performed her own previous composition called “Postcard Home”. These were both live performances via a call in land line. We discussed how to get into music, what it entails, different instruments, how to write music, life of a professional musician(s), and how music can help you improve your life and loved one’s lives. You can obtain copies of some of Alchemie’s music cd’s and listen to them via.
? ReverbNation ? Facebook.
As a former teacher and retired psych nurse, Bonnie, Doug’s 1st cousin and repeating guest co-host, is helping us with using reading , writing of poetry and short stories, and music to help us improve our lives! We can bring families together so all can grow! Bonnies’s poetry and her books in the “Growing up Margaret” series are available on Amazon.com.
She is back! The daughter of Muammar Gaddafi will lead the resistance against NATO and the other Libyan terrorists. Ayesha stated that she is now the leader of the resistance and she is about to create a new secret government. Ayesha Gaddafi become the new leader of the resistance at a crucial moment for the country – on the eve …
Expat Files – 01.31.16
– Today we have emails from a few Canadians, one who felt slighted by a recent E.F. broadcast…
– When Gringos/ Expats team up with a Latin business partner(called a “socio”):
Often when a great new Latin business idea suddenly presents itself, we gringos feel it important to have a Latin business partner. We think one may be necessary for things to go smoothly, especially to negotiate those early encounters with stifling Latin bureaucracy. Somehow we’re under the impression only a Latin person can jump the hoops since we don’t know the system and our Spanish skills mostly suck (at first). However, chances are great that your Latin “socio” will need you far more than you’ll ever need him. Sooner or later you just might find that he/she will be a constant drain on you.
Who can we thank for the “lag time” effect:
-Imagine a world where you will hear not a single awesome or dude -even from flighty, TV, junk-food addicted teenagers! So what does that mean? It means all those annoying English slang, filler words and empty phrases like “awesome and dude” are not yet falling like guano from the tongues of Latins.
However, many gringos and pretentious upscale Latins will “dude” you- and certain annoying entitled Latins hopping back and forth to Mijami do try to impress by spitting out tired gringo slang like polished turds.
So how about the future? How long can it last? Expect Costa Ricans to start “dude-ing” their fantasy Facebook friends soon.
-New tips on finding short and long term Latin rentals- while sitting comfortably in your kitchen way up in the 1st world..
-An update on that very inexpensive, locally famous, “Decameron” chain of all-inclusive Latin beach resorts. Why haven’t gringos up north heard of it? Because its 100% Latin owned and operated so the whole experience is in 100% Spanish. In other words, start learnin’
Bed bugs have developed resistance to neonicotinoids
A new study published in the Journal of Medical Entomology is the first to report that bed bugs have developed resistance to a class of insecticides known as neonicotinoids, or neonics, the shortened name. Neonics are the most widely used group of insecticides today, and several products have been developed for bed bug control over the past few years that …
This Can’t Be Happening – 01.20.16
Guest Davie Swanson, a pacifist, long-time peace activist and author of the book “War is a Lie,” which makes the case that no war is justified, discuses with host Dave Lindorff the issue of Bernie Sanders long-time support for American imperialist wars and military actions. They look at the issue of whether this poor record means his campaign for president should or should not be supported, and conclude that the answer is, yes, but with constant criticism of his pro-militarist stance.
Ultra-Rich ‘Philanthrocapitalist’ Class Undermining Global Democracy: Report
From Warren Buffett to Bill Gates, it is no secret that the ultra-rich philanthropist class has an over-sized influence in shaping global politics and policies. And a study (pdf) just out from the Global Policy Forum, an international watchdog group, makes the case that powerful philanthropic foundations—under the control of wealthy individuals—are actively undermining governments and inappropriately setting the agenda …
Leid Stories – 01.18.16
Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. Refutes Obama’s State of the Union Address
Leid Stories commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a prescient speech he made 49 years ago that anticipates—and refutes—President Barack Obama’s recent pronouncement that “the state of the union is strong.”
Nature Bats Last – 01.12.16
Our guest this week was Hal Niedzviecki, author of “Trees On Mars: Our Obsession With The Future.” This book cuts to the chase for a future that is beyond the madness we are already experiencing. It does not rely upon progressive “solutions” but instead looks reality dead in the eye. Guy also provided a brief climate-change update.
Eric Zuesse – America’s Subservience to Saud Family
The Saud royal family are by far the world’s largest buyers of US weapons. The King of Saudi Arabia is by far the world’s richest person, with a net worth well over a trillion dollars; and, when his (Aramco’s) 260 billion barrels of oil reserves were valued at $100 per barrel, his net worth was over $15 trillion. The King …