1 in 4 kids sexually harassed by friends online

EAST LANSING, Mich. — It’s not just strangers who target children online. Kids’ own friends are sexually harassing them over the Internet, finds new research led by a Michigan State University cybercrime expert. About 1 in 4 children said they were pressured by their friends online to talk about sex when they didn’t want to, according to the study of …

Jackson Bliss – How the Internet changed the way we read

In the great epistemic galaxy of words, we have become both reading junkies and also professional text skimmers. Reading has become a clumsy science, which is why we keep fudging the lab results. But in diagnosing our own textual attention deficit disorder (ADD), who can blame us for skimming? We’re inundated by so much opinion posing as information, much of …

Chris Hedges – The American Empire: Murder Inc.

Terror, intimidation and violence are the glue that holds empire together. Aerial bombardment, drone and missile attacks, artillery and mortar strikes, targeted assassinations, massacres, the detention of tens of thousands, death squad killings, torture, wholesale surveillance, extraordinary renditions, curfews, propaganda, a loss of civil liberties and pliant political puppets are the grist of our wars and proxy wars. Countries we …

Vandana Shiva – ‘Free Basics’ Will Take Away More Than Our Right to the Internet

As the TRAI decides the fate of Free Basics, Mark Zuckerberg is in India with ₹100 crore, in pocket change, for advertising. Facebook’s Free Basics is a repackaged internet.org, or in other words, a system where Facebook decides what parts of the internet are important to users. Reliance, Facebook’s Indian partner in the Free Basics venture, is an Indian mega-corporation with interests …


The newest generation of adults are demonized by older generations, all the while suffering our brave new world CONOR LYNCH In recent years, it seems like a cottage industry of sorts has formed around bashing the Millennial generation as a bunch of narcissistic, lazy, entitled, coddled, uninformed digital junkies who just can’t deal with the real world. Though older generations have always complained about youngsters being in trouble, this animus towards …

If Mental Illness Is the Problem, America Is Mentally Ill

2015 was a year of exceptionally overt police violence against black folk and tragic mass shootings. A common response to these events has been that they are the result of “sick” individuals. Many conservatives have suggested that the shooters were mentally ill: that the problem was a proliferation of bad people, not a proliferation of guns. When, however, the murderers happen to …

Daniel Arsenault – The Off-Grid Rebellion The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About

For many waking up in the modern world, the weight of the planet is on their shoulders. It seems like the more one learns, the more everything is in ruin. Climate catastrophe and secret financial institutions threaten devastation on all sides, the media is run by the corporate elite and filters the truth into coarse bits of marketing slogans, and …

Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh – Who Owns the Federal Reserve Bank—and Why is It Shrouded in Myths and Mysteries?

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. (Henry Ford) Give me control of a Nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws. (M. A. Rothschild) The Federal Reserve Bank (or simply the Fed), …

Andrew Tavani – Here are some of the amazing Muslim women who would be barred from entering the U.S. under Trump’s “total shutdown” plan

Donald Trump’s shocking proposal to temporarily bar entry to Muslim immigrants has been met with widespread condemnation and ridicule. Putting aside the questionable constitutionality, bigotry and the utter impracticality of the idea, we thought a little thought exercise is in order since Trump is standing defiant in the face of criticism. Here’s a look at some of the famous and accomplished women …