Country’s environment ministry issues climate change warning in annual report Russia is warming at 2.5 times the global average and faces a dramatic rise in related threats—from floods to fires—the country’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection revealed Friday in its annual report. “Growth of average temperatures in Russia in 1976-2014 was 0.42 degrees Celsius in 10 years, which is …
Project Censored – 12.22.15
Scientists’ reports about global warming are becoming more and more pessimistic. Will rising sea levels, drought, crop failure and water wars become so severe that humanity’s existence itself is threatened? Peter Phillips and Julie Andrzejewski speak first with David Ray Griffin, author of the new book, “Unprecedented.” Then Dahr Jamail, climate writer at Truthout, joins the discussion.
Alex Kirby – Warming lakes speed up methane emissions
US scientists report that lakes worldwide are warming by an average of more than 1°C every 30 years, faster than the warming rate of either the ocean or the atmosphere. The warming is expected to increase algal blooms and to mean global emissions of methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide over a century, will increase …
Bill Chioffi & Gaia Herbs – Global warming and botanicals
One of the main forces contributing the increase in extreme weather globally is the warming of the earth’s atmosphere. For every one degree centigrade increase in ocean surface temperature, researchers predict tropical storm wind speeds will increase up to 8 percent and rainfall rates will increase up to 18 percent*. The effect on coastal population centers is obvious. The impact …
Aung San Suu Kyi and the Derogation of Human Rights in Myanmar
Myanmar held elections early November as the capstone of a wider range of “reforms” it has undertaken as an apparent means of escaping decades of sanctions leveled against it by the West. Predictably, the National League of Democracy (NLD) headed by the Western vaunted, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi was declared the winner in a “landslide” by …
Pete Dolack – Business as Usual at Paris Summit Won’t Stop Global Warming
The bottom line of the Paris Climate Summit is this: The world’s governments say they agreed to hold the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but in actuality committed to nearly double that. A potential runaway global warming still looms in the future. The surprise of the summit, officially known as the 21st Session of the Conference of the …
Climate Change Driving ‘Profound’ Shift in Arctic Ecosystem
NOAA warns Arctic is warming ‘twice as fast as other parts of the planet’ The 2015 report card compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and released Tuesday comes to a disturbing conclusion: record highs in air temperatures, and lows in peak ice, reveal that—for the marine ecosystem—climate change is already “profound.” “Changes in sea ice alone are …
Charles Pierce -At This Point, If You Deny Climate Change, You Are a Traitor to Your Species
ORLD LEADERS INK PACT!” Sorry, some sportswriting broke out there for a moment. We continue. The deal was struck in a rare show of near-universal accord, as poor and wealthy nations from across the political and geographic spectrum expressed support for measures that require all to take steps to battle climate change. The agreement binds together pledges by individual nations …
Miles Grant – As December Heat Ends History’s Warmest Year, Media Still Shy Away From the Cause
As wave after wave of record-breaking high temperatures grips huge swaths of America, media coverage of the December warmth has rarely been willing to discuss its cause. Reporters may be willing to point to a monster El Niño, but hardly have mentioned it’s launching its assault off a higher baseline temperatures from human-caused climate change, resulting in some jaw-dropping record …
Paris Climate Talks A Failure Even Before It Starts
The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 to be held in Paris, from November 30 to December 11 is already a failure even before it starts. Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, or INDCs were submitted by 155 nations by the October 1 dealine. Analysis of the INDCs reveal that the pledges made by the nations can limit temperature increase …