Paul Street – ISIS is US: the Empire and the Evil Genie It Released

The reigning politics and media culture of the United States is not without moments of high comic relief. Three weeks ago, for example, CNN’s Chris Cuomo presented the buffoonish Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump with a bizarre hypothetical situation. What would Trump do, Cuomo asked, if he met the Pope and the pontiff expressed his opinion that capitalism can be …

Heart of Mind Radio – 08.21.15

On today’s show, Kathryn introduced the program and gave a summary of the program’s topic: “The Art of Imperfection” and the “Truth of Divinity.” Kathryn offered discourse on “The Art of Imperfection” as a means of achieving full state of self acceptance and true love. Kathryn re-introduced the program and offered discourse on the topic: “Truth of Divinity.” Kathryn made a few comments about energy healing and offer some announcements.

Saving Passengers Of The Good Ship ‘Titanic… Earth’

On 15 April 1912, the ‘Titanic’, the largest ship afloat at the time it entered service, sank in the North Atlantic Ocean after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage. The large and unnecessary death toll – more than 1,500 passengers and crew – was the result of many factors. Understanding the psychology that underpins these factors teaches us why …

LOA Today – 03.19.15

Is fear holding you back? Nearly everyone experiences fear that keeps them from achieving their full potential. Do you know which side of your brain your fears reside in? It might not surprise you to learn that they’re stored in the left side of your brain. The problem gets magnified when we realize that our society is left-brain dominant. No …