Nick Licata – ALEC, Where Corporations Are “People” Like You and Me

Unlike other political organizations of locally elected public officials, corporations, business associations, and think tanks are full voting ALEC members, referred to as the private-interest partners. From talking to one private-interest member, the cost of joining ALEC is just over $1,000 but to vote in one of ALEC’s task forces that make policies, the cost goes above $3,000. I suspect …

Brian Cloughley – Meet General Joseph Dunford: a Real Threat to World Peace

On July 16, 2015 four US Marines and a sailor were shot dead by an Islamic fanatic in Chattanooga. The New York Times reported that although federal officials were “treating this as an act of domestic terrorism” the killer, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, had been tracked as having “had this week posted at least two Islam-focused writings on a blog, including …

Claire Bernish – Is a Mandatory DNA Database for All Americans Coming Soon?

Although many thought the U.S. would see it first, mandatory DNA testing—for every citizen, foreign resident, and visitor—is now the law in Kuwait. Violations of this truly dystopic law carry the penalty of a yearin prison or a fine of $33,000—but falsifying a DNA sample carries a seven year prison term. If you think this won’t come to the U.S., …

Joe Wolverton – Obama Blocks Investigator’s Access to Files Related to DOJ Scandals

President Obama has ordered that if the official tasked with investigating corruption in the Department of Justice wants access to sensitive files, he’ll have to get permission from — the Department of Justice. That directive was part of a 58-page ruling delivered by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel and it makes it very hard for the inspector general to …

Private Health Care as an Act of Terrorism – Paul Buchheit

The FBI defines terrorism as “Acts dangerous to human life…intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population.” Much of the behavior of our current health care system meets that definition. The facts show intention on the part of corporations to intimidate the population by using market strategies to charge whatever they like for their medical products and services, and an effort to coerce the public into accepting the current system …

Israeli-linked SITE Intelligence Involved in Chattanooga Shooting Narrative By Prof. James F. Tracy

News reports of the July 16 shootings in Chattanooga Tennessee already provide some curious features that warrant close scrutiny. Perhaps unsurprisingly, complete oversight of the shooting investigation has been turned over to the FBI. Also, the Israeli-linked SITE Intelligence Group is involved in providing the news frame for alleged shooter Muhammed Youssef Abdulazeez. For over a decade now the FBI …

Is the IRS Abandoning Its Duty to Stop “Dark Money” From Ruling the 2016 Election? By Candice Bernd

A federal appeals court Tuesday upheld a ban on government contractors contributing to federal election campaigns, saying the ban was originally put in place to prevent government corruption. However, in deciding the case, the court didn’t address such contractors’ anonymous contributions to “dark money” nonprofit groups, organizations that abuse the rules of their tax exempt status to engage in political spending, such …

US-Israeli Imperialists Plot Downfall of Syria and Iran By Brandon Martinez

The United States has been running a particularly reckless and transparent bluff on the world. ‘We must defeat ISIS’ has been the repetitive mantra bellowed from pulpits and podiums by deceitful US officials. But this bit of shameless Orwellian newspeak is coming from the very same rogue policy makers who have been the primary source of arms and largesse to …

Silence Around Who Is Burning Black Churches Speaks Volumes – KIRSTEN WEST SAVALI

There is something both sinister and cowardly about trying to destroy Black Jesus. Black churches in North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida and Tennessee have burned in the weeks following the terrorist attack on Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. that killed 9 people. In response, agents of the state and mainstream media have attempted to gaslight black America into believing that the …

Farewell to America: Why I am Glad I’m Leaving the US – Gary Younge

For the past couple of years the summers, like hurricanes, have had names. Not single names like Katrina or Floyd – but full names like Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown. Like hurricanes, their arrival was both predictable and predicted, and yet somehow, when they landed, the effect was still shocking. We do not yet know the name that will be …