Late on the evening of December 23, when the attention of the public was fixed on the consumerist excesses of the holiday season, President Obama signed into law the Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Like the other NDAAs that President Obama signed into law during his administration, this one further strengthened the repressive capacities of the state. Buried deep in the …
Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.03.17
an in depth conversation about the autism epidemic and the politicalization of vaccines and federal coverup of the facts
Attorney Kent Heckenlively.. a founding contributor of Age of Autism, father of an autistic child and author of “Inoculated — How Science Lost its Soul
Robert Parry – How War Propaganda Keeps on Killing
A key reason why American foreign debacles have been particularly destructive mostly to the countries attacked but also to the United States is that these interventions are always accompanied by major U.S. government investments in propaganda. So, even when officials recognize a misjudgment has been made, the propaganda machinery continues to grind on to prevent a timely reversal. In effect, …
Stephanie Llanes – Anti-Black Surveillance Did Not End With COINTELPRO
Fifty years from now, what will the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture’s exhibit on the Movement for Black Lives look like? Will the exhibit feature videos from the hundreds of protests that erupted around the United States and the world, alongside pictures of children with signs that say “I Can’t Breathe,” and “Say Her Name?” Will there …
Dahr Jamail – “We’ve Never Seen the Government Stand Up to the Fossil Fuel Industry”: Tim DeChristopher on Our Climate Future
In 2008, Tim DeChristopher found himself bidding for parcels of public land around Arches and Canyonlands National Parks of Utah at an illegitimate Bureau of Land Management oil and gas lease auction. A climate activist acting as a bidder at the auction, DeChristopher ended up successfully winning 22,500 acres of land by bidding a total of $1.8 million, which he …
Jon Queally – Court Rules UK Mass Spying Was Unlawfully Conducted for Nearly Two Decades
In what rights campaigners heralded as a “significant” reproach to government overreach, a British court which oversees the nation’s intelligence and clandestine services ruled Monday that mass surveillance by agencies—including the bulk collection of private data from unwitting citizens and residents—was unlawfully conducted for nearly two decades. Called the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, the panel of judges which provides legal oversight …
Let’s Create A Better World – 10.17.16
Bobby talks about the show’s new day and time on Mondays at 7:00 pm Eastern Time and talks about the shows he has lined up.
The Personal Computer Show – 10.05.16
Yahoo reportedly gave US government access to all users’ emails
Security analyst says Yahoo!, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Tumblr all popped by same gang
HP backtracks on third-party ink cartridges, reserves right to lock them out it in the future
Termination fees for terminated people now against the law
Ludicrous Patent of the Week: Rectangles on a computer screen
Melinda Gates’ initiative is about getting more women into STEM
PRODUCT REVIEW – Antop AT-100 Indoor TV Antenna
JOHN STANTON – The Great CYBER Scare: How the Atlantic Council and NYT Hustle for the Latest Panic
“There is an inverse relationship between public access to the Internet and the inability of governments and institutions to control information flow and hence state allegiance, ideology, public opinion, and policy formulation. Increase in public access to the Internet results in an equivalent decrease in government and institutional power. Indeed, after September 11, 2001, Internet traffic statistics show that many …
Jonathan Marshall – How Arms Sales Distort US Foreign Policy
Forget oil. In the Middle East, the profits and jobs reaped from tens of billions of dollars in arms sales are becoming the key drivers of U.S. and British policy. Oil still matters, of course. So do geopolitical interests, including military bases, and powerful political lobbies funded by Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states. But you can’t explain Washington’s deference to Saudi …