Portrait of the American Oligarchy – The Very Troubling Income and Wealth Trends Since 1989 Michael – Krieger

One of the primary purposes of Liberty Blitzkrieg is to dispel the myth that America is politically a democracy and economically a free market, and prove that it is in fact a centrally planned oligarchy. If the people were well aware of this and fine with it, that’s one thing, but my contention is that the vast majority of the public is merely …

The U.S. Job Market Is Losing Its Dynamism

Part of America’s advantage over other economies historically has been the pace at which it both creates and destroys jobs. As they face slowing prospects or failure, companies, even whole industries, cut workers . The good news is that new businesses keep popping up to supply new jobs. More than 7 million jobs are created, and almost as many are destroyed, every …