Corporate-friendly international agreement like TPP and TTIP, writes Monbiot, “could scarcely be better designed to exacerbate and universalise our multiple crises – financial, social and environmental.” What have governments learned from the financial crisis? I could write a column spelling it out. Or I could do the same job with one word: nothing. Actually, that’s too generous. The lessons learned …
Alternative Visions – Europe Ups ‘Ante’ In Global ‘QE Currency Devaluation’ Game – 10.23.15
Jack reviews the most recent threat by Europe’s central bank to expand its ‘quantitative easing’ program in order to gain share of a slowing global trade pie. As the global economy slows and competition for exports intensifies from China to US to Japan to Europe, the European Central Bank announces plans to expand its $1.1 trillion free money program for bankers and investors. Jack explores the possible consequences of the likely decision: Japan will no doubt follow with further expansion of its own QE program to defend its share of global exports. The US federal reserve, its central bank, will be less likely to raise interest rates in turn—as US exports and manufacturing are already close to stagnating, and reducing US GDP. Simultaneously, China announces its sixth cut in interest rates. Major sectors of the global economy and intensifying competition over a shrinking global economy. Jack also updates recent Alternative Visions shows on the TPP, Big Pharmaceutical companies’ price gouging, and the Chrysler-Auto Workers recent negotiations. With TPP almost a done deal, now corporate America, Jack predicts, will focus on its second big objective: corporate tax cuts. How US multinational tech and pharma companies play the global tax avoidance game is explained.
William Edstrom – Wall Street and the Military are Draining Americans High and Dry
The United States (US) government often cites $18 trillion as the amount of money that they owe, but their actual debts are higher. Much higher. The government in the USA owes $13.2 trillion in US Treasury Bonds, $5 trillion in money borrowed by the US Federal government from Federal government trust funds like the Social Security trust fund, $0.7 trillion …
Dean Baker – The China Syndrome: Bubble Trouble
The financial markets have been through some wild and crazy times over the last two weeks, although it appears that they have finally stabilized. The net effect of all the gyrations is that a serious bubble in China’s market seems to have been at least partially deflated. After hugely over-reacting to this correction, most other markets have largely recovered. Prices …
Chris Hedges – The Great Unraveling
The ideological and physical hold of American imperial power, buttressed by the utopian ideology of neoliberalismand global capitalism, is unraveling. Most, including many of those at the heart of the American empire, recognize that every promise made by the proponents of neoliberalism is a lie. Global wealth, rather than being spread equitably, as neoliberal proponents promised, has been funneled upward into …
Tyler Durden – Is Asia Set For Another Financial Crisis? Here’s Goldman’s Take
As the emerging market meltdown accelerates, plunging half of EM equity bourses into bear market territory and wreaking unspeakable havoc on currencies from LatAm to Asia-Pac, analysts and commentators alike have scrambled to find historical analogs that can serve as a guidepost when assessing the damage and, more importantly, predicting where things go from here. One historical episode that’s received …
The Gary Null Show – 08.25.15
Guest #1 – Gerald Celente is one of today’s pioneers in trend strategy. He founded the Trends Research Institute in Kingston NY and is the publisher of the Trends Journal that has been published since 1980. He has since become one of the nation’s most sought after diagnosticians and forecasters He is also the founder of Trends TV, which provides monthly videos and analysis of current events and their likely direction and outcome. His institute also hosts frequent peace, prosperity and trends conferences. Gerald’s insights have been sought for by major networks, PBS and BBC, Russian TV, and publications such as the Economist and major newspapers. Gerald will also be launching the Occupy Peace initiative in Kingston NY this September – more on that later. His website is
Guest #2 – M Jackson is an environmental educator and two time Fulbright Scholar currently completing her doctorate in earth sciences at the University of Oregon where she is specializing in glaciers, the Arctic and climate change. She has been a National Geographic Expert in its Student Expeditions Program and has received over 20 national awards for her academic and creative endeavors. M is the author of a recent book being widely recognized within the climate change community – “While Glaciers Slept: Being Human in a Time of Climate Change” – which interweaves the personal loss of life with the loss of an inhabitable planet and how awakening to the grieving process to demise can lead us to positive solutions to face the challenges ahead. More information can be found about M at Green Writer Press website
Prof. James Petras – Pillage and Class Polarization: The Rise of “Criminal Capitalism”
About 75% of US employees work 40 hours or longer, the second longest among all OECD countries, exceeded only by Poland and tied with South Korea. In contrast, only 10% of Danish workers, 15% of Norwegian, 30% of French, 43% of UK and 50% of German workers work 40 or more hours. With the longest work day, US workers score …
Risk Experts Who Predicted 2008 Financial Crash: GMOs Riskier than 2008 Crash … “The G.M.O. Experiment, Carried Out In Real Time and with Our Entire Food and Ecological System As Its Laboratory, Is Perhaps the Greatest Case of Human Hubris Ever”
Risk analyst Nassim Nicholas Taleb predicted the 2008 financial crisis, by pointing out that commonly-used risk models were wrong. Taleb – a distinguished professor of risk engineering at New York University, and author of best-sellers The Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness – Taleb became financially independent after the crash of 1987, and wealthy during the 2008 financial crisis. Taleb …
4 Things That Are Happening Today That Indicate That A Deflationary Financial Collapse Is Imminent By Michael Snyder
When financial markets crash, they do not do so in a vacuum. There are always patterns, signs and indicators that tell us that something is about to happen. In this article, I am going to share with you four patterns that are happening right now that also happened just prior to the great financial crisis of 2008. These four signs …