n 2006 – years before ISIS replaced Al Qaeda as the New and Unprecedentedly Evil Villain – Newt Gingrich gave a speech in New Hampshire in which, as he put it afterward, he “called for a serious debate about the First Amendment and how terrorists are abusing our rights–using them as they once used passenger jets–to threaten and kill Americans.” In that speech, Gingrich argued: Either before we …
Matthew Harwood – The Logic of the Police State
If you’ve been listening to various police agencies and their supporters, then you know what the future holds: anarchy is coming — and it’s all the fault of activists. In May, a Wall Street Journal op-ed warned of a “new nationwide crime wave” thanks to “intense agitation against American police departments” over the previous year. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie went further. …
Mary S. Holland – The Legality of Censoring Speech on Vaccines & Autism
In a recent guest column, Professors James G. Hodge, Jr. and Doug Campos-Outcalt explore ways to limit presidential candidates’ speech about a link between vaccines and autism. Noting recent comments by Trump, Carson and Paul associating vaccines and autism, the authors decry the politicians’ “free pass” to “spread such public health lies.” They even suggest that the candidates’ statements are …
A Just Cause – Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Former Counsel Ron LeGrand – 12.13.15
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks talks to Our Special Guest Former Counsel Ron LeGrand to the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations.
A Just Cause – Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Senator Mike Lee – 11.29.15
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks talks to Our Special Guest Senator Mike Lee. Senator Mike Lee serves in the 114th Congress, beginning his tenure as Chairman of the Senate Steering Committee and currently serves on the on the Armed Services Committee, Joint Economic Committee, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and oversees issues critical to Utah as the Chairman of the Water and Power. As Utah’s 16th Senator, Mike Lee has spent his career defending the basic liberties of Americans and Utahns as a tireless advocate for our founding constitutional principles.
Alternative Visions – TPP Part 2: The New Corporate Government & Other Chapters – 11.20.15
Dr. Jack Rasmus looks in depth at Chapters 27-28 of the TPP and how they set up a new global corporate government. Why the TPP violates Article III of the US Constitution and how its signing on October 4 in Atlanta represents the ‘founding convention’ of a new form of global corporate government. Jack explains the new ‘legislative-executive’ body of the TPP ‘Commission’ and the new tribunal courts system and the danger they represent to existing representative government in the US and the 12 member countries. Jack critiques the claim of TPP supporters that it is a ‘living agreement’, asking if this means every time the TPP is changed as new countries join will the TPP have to be ‘ratified’ each time? If not, then corporations and bureaucrats running the Commission and Courts will change the TPP as they like. Other chapters are reviewed on trade in goods, investment, intellectual property, financial services, labor and environment. Jack challenges Obama’s claim that 18,000 tariff cuts will mean more exports and jobs for US workers, noting TPP provides no control over currency devaluations which will more than offset tariff reductions. TPP is about ensuring money and investment flows by US banks, IT, and services companies without limit. It protects big Pharma companies and removes opposition to US produced GMO products by big US Agribusiness. TPP means: more profit and sales for them and fewer jobs, lower wages, and destruction of representative Democracy for the rest.
Jack announces a new format for future shows: The first half of the show will identify critical global and US economic developments of the preceding week, followed by comments on the economic proposals and programs of US presidential candidates. The second half of the show will focus on interviews or presentations on a major feature of the US or global economy. Next week’s feature: ‘Why the Global Economy is Slowing and why the IMF, World Bank, and Central Banks Keep Under-Forecasting the Trend’.
LOA Today – 09.17.15
Jelani Lateef is a rapper that lost his wife to cancer two months after the birth of his daughter, who almost died herself in childbirth. But Jelani made an unusual choice as a result. He decided to be a positive role model as a single black father and use his art to promote positive attitudes and positive psychology, even for those who have suffered greatly like he himself has.
Jelani was kind enough to join Walt as his guest this week. Will he convince Walt, who has never liked rap music, to finally become a rap fan as a result of this conversation? Listen to find out!
John Whitehead – Sheep Led to the Slaughter: The Muzzling of Free Speech in America
“If the freedom of speech be taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”–George Washington The architects of the American police state must think we’re idiots. With every passing day, we’re being moved further down the road towards a totalitarian society characterized by government censorship, violence, corruption, hypocrisy and intolerance, all packaged for …
My Teacher By Chris Hedges
I drove to Hamilton, N.Y., last December to take part in the funeral service for the Rev. Coleman Brown. Coleman, who had taught at Colgate University, had the most profound impact of all my teachers on my education. I took seven courses as an undergraduate in religion. He taught six of them. But his teaching extended far beyond the classroom. The …