Even if it weren’t already a cruel inside joke, it inevitably would become one: The Democratic Party is busily reshuffling the deck chairs on a sinking ship, and welcoming all aboard for a wonderful voyage.
Normalizing fascists
How to report on a fascist? How to cover the rise of a political leader who’s left a paper trail of anti-constitutionalism, racism and the encouragement of violence? Does the press take the position that its subject acts outside the norms of society? Or does it take the position that someone who wins a fair election is by definition “normal,” …
Half of people believe fake facts
Around 50% of us are susceptible to believing we’ve experienced fictitious events, University of Warwick research finds False memory study included over 400 people Raises questions around the authenticity of memories used in forensic investigations, court rooms. Misinformation in the news can create incorrect collective memories, affecting behaviour and attitudes of society. Many people are prone to ‘remembering’ events that …
Italy’s Government on Verge of collapse: Next Trumpian Domino to Fall?
Italy’s government is on the verge of collapse. Prime minister Matteo Renzi reiterated his position just yesterday, he will not hang on if a referendum he seeks does not pass. Polls show the referendum will fail. Then again, polls have not been remarkably accurate recently, to say the least. On the other hand, this poll shows a strong preference to …
Deirdre Fulton – Beppe: Nationalize Banks to Throw Off ‘Anti-Democratic Straitjacket’of Eurozone
Longtime critic of the Eurozone’s destructive commitment to austerity, Italian comedian-turned-political activist Beppe Grillo has launched what one news outlet called a “full-throated attack” on the single currency, saying his country should throw off that “anti-democratic straitjacket” by nationalizing its banks and taking a stronger stance against the demands of elite financial interests. Grillo, who the Guardian says “transformed Italian …