As Election 2016 progresses toward various parties’ nominating conventions this summer, (for Republicans, July 18-21 in Cleveland, Ohio; for Democrats, July 25-28 in Philadelphia, Pa.;…
The American FBI has a secret cache of documents, more than 80,000 pages in all, concerning possible ties between the 9/11 hijackers and an upper-class…
Bradley Birkenfeld is the most significant financial whistleblower of all time, so you might think he’d be cheering on the disclosures in the new Panama…
Frisco, TX — After an ongoing FBI investigation revealed incriminating information, Brad Harris, CEO of Novus Health Care Services, is being accused of ordering nurses to hasten…
Updates on China's rising wages, lethal overdoses and economic crisis, courts worsen Puerto Rico's crisis, moving jobs to Mexico, and Florida governor tries to help…
Dr. Brian Hooker is an Associate Professor of Biology at Simpson University in California, and a senior consultant for ARES Corporation, specializing in environmental restoration…
When Phyllis Salowe-Kaye learned that the New Jersey State Investment Council (NJSIC) had invested 50 million state pension dollars with a private equity firm that…
It’s become normal for Americans to demand—and receive-a professional assessment of the physical health of the candidates for president—just as they expect updates on the…
Psychiatry is notorious for saying “oops!” for a long history of abusing patients with pseudoscience-driven treatments and its shameful lack of diagnostic rigor. From the1949 Nobel…
No surprise, really, in how things turned out yesterday--Donald Trump triumphed in three of five states, Florida, Illinois and North Carolina; Marco Rubio lost his…
It’s Super Tuesday (the third for this election cycle), and Democratic and Republican presidential candidates are in make-or-break primaries in delegate-rich Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri…