Ivan Eland – Who’s the Bigger Danger — Clinton or Trump?

The senseless murder of 49 revelers at an Orlando, Florida, nightclub has amplified our need for a long overdue national conversation this election season about the overall direction of U.S. foreign policy and our proper role in the world. With the party nominating conventions just weeks away, now is a good time to start. In what was billed as a …

Jake Johnson – Democrats Against Democracy, Self-Styled Progressives Against Progress

There are many important lessons to be gleaned from this year’s primary process, lessons that can have both positive and negative implications across the political spectrum — if, that is, they are taken to heart. They probably won’t be. But while much of the obsessive, gaffe-hungry media honed in on the circus that is the Republican Party, the Democratic Party will emerge from the …

Kevin Ryan – An Insider’s Look at the Dulles 9/11 Video

The strongest evidence linking the alleged hijackers to 9/11 was a video said to be from the closed circuit TV (CCTV) system at Dulles International Airport in Washington DC. The video was not made available until the day before the 9/11 Commission Report was released, in 2004, and it helped to pave the way for widespread acceptance of the official account. Since …

Bush and Blair Prepared the Iraq War at Crawford Behind Closed Doors

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair should be impeached for a deliberate attack against Iraq which is part of a British plan to have war on Islam keeps ongoing, says Rodney Shakespeare, an academic and political analyst based in London. Shakespeare,  a professor of Binary Economics in London, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Monday, after Scottish National …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: What We Should Have Learned By Now – 05.18.16

As Election 2016 progresses toward various parties’ nominating conventions this summer, (for Republicans, July 18-21 in Cleveland, Ohio; for Democrats, July 25-28 in Philadelphia, Pa.; the Green Party, Aug. 4-7 in Houston, Texas; the Libertarian Party, May 27-30 in Orlando, Fla.), presidential hopefuls are in the final stretch of the primaries, looking to claim their spots as their parties’ standard bearers in the general election. The duopoly has outdone all other major parties in the still-ongoing battle of attrition. Donald Trump is the last person standing in the Republican field of 17; Hillary Clinton is being touted as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

By all indications, Election 2016 will be a watershed moment in U.S. electoral politics—though for reasons that should alarm even a casual observer. Leid Stories has been looking at this historical moment in terms of what politics and the political process have come to mean and be for the masses of people. We continue this discussion, focusing on what we are learning, or have learned, about our relationship to the political apparatus, and ways in which we can affect political outcomes through an increased consciousness and strategic use of power.

Progressive Commentary Hour – 05.17.16

On the “Progressive Commentary Hour,” Gary talks about the European Union and what will happen if the TIPP comes to exist.

Here is the full video for you to enjoy: BREXIT – The Full Movie. BREXIT, the movie is a feature-length documentary film to inspire as many people as possible to vote to LEAVE the EU in the June 23rd referendum.

Gary plays two great clips from Noam Chosky and Yanis Varoufakis. Here is the info and links for them:

VIDEO: Noam Chomsky on why TIPP is not a trade agreement – “Highly protectionist” and “for the benefit of private powers”

VIDEO: Yanis Varoufakis on Hillary Clinton – Ex-Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis had a few choice things to say about Hillary Clinton. Video from Business Insider.
Lastly on today’s show, Gary talks to the great Greg Palast. Here is a brief bio of Greg:

Greg Palast is a journalist’s journalist whose news breaking stories and investigations have appeared on BBC, the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, now Rolling Stone and others. The Tribune in the UK has called Greg “the most important investigative journalist in our time.” Greg broke the stories of voter theft in Florida districts during the 2000 Bush-Gore election, BP’s corruption over the Deep Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf, the Bush administration’s secret pre-invasion plans to capture Iraq’s oil fields, and US’s attempted coups against Hugo Chavez. He has won many awards including the George Orwell award for Courage in Journalism. He holds an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago and authored several books including “Billionaires and Ballot Bandits” and “Armed Madhouse” and “Vulture’s Picnic.” He is currently making a new full feature documentary – the Best Democracy Money Can Buy. You can read Greg’s reports at GregPalast.com

Patrick Martin – FBI holds 80,000 pages of secret documents on Saudi-9/11 links

The American FBI has a secret cache of documents, more than 80,000 pages in all, concerning possible ties between the 9/11 hijackers and an upper-class Saudi family who lived in Florida and fled the United States two weeks before the suicide hijackings that killed nearly 3,000 people. A federal judge in Tampa, Florida has been reviewing the documents for more …

Michael Krieger – Swiss Bank Whistleblower Claims Panama Papers Was a CIA Operation

Bradley Birkenfeld is the most significant financial whistleblower of all time, so you might think he’d be cheering on the disclosures in the new Panama Papers leaks. But today, Birkenfeld is raising questions about the source of the information that is shaking political regimes around the world.  “The CIA I’m sure is behind this, in my opinion,” Birkenfeld said.  – …

Josh Mur – Healthcare CEO Told Nurses To Fatally Overdose Patients To Increase Profit

Frisco, TX — After an ongoing FBI investigation revealed incriminating information, Brad Harris, CEO of Novus Health Care Services, is being accused of ordering nurses to hasten the deaths of patients. Novus Health Care Service is a company based in Frisco, Texas that provides in-house care for terminally ill and elderly patients. The company’s website indicates clearly that Novus prides itself on the …

Economic Update – Worker Coops: Why and How – 04.03.16

Updates on China’s rising wages, lethal overdoses and economic crisis, courts worsen Puerto Rico’s crisis, moving jobs to Mexico, and Florida governor tries to help Yale evade taxes. Major discussions of minimum wage debates, workers without college degrees, and workers coops as key to doing better than capitalism.