Connect The Dots – Listen to Sainath Suryanarayanan, a scientist at the University of Wisconsin and co-author with Daniel Kleinman of Vanishing Bees – 02.01.17

Listen to Sainath Suryanarayanan, a scientist at the University of Wisconsin and co-author with Daniel Kleinman of Vanishing Bees: Science, Politics and Honeybee Health talking about the multifactoral causes of colony collapse disorder and the need for biological, sociological and ecological diversity.

Good news on rain forests: they bounce back strong, storing more carbon than thought

When you cut and burn a tropical forest, you’re left with a barren plain of cracked red mud, incapable of supporting life – the opposite of the teeming, hyperdiverse array of life that was destroyed. Once the trees are gone, the nutrients wash away and the soil degrades into a dense, brick-like layer so hardened that plant roots can’t get …

KATIE VALENTINE – Bees And Other Pollinators Are Facing Extinction, And That’s Very Bad News For Us

Bees and other pollinators are in trouble — so much so that many of them are facing extinction, according to a new report. The report, released Friday by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), is a two-year assessment of the threats facing pollinators — both vertebrates, such as birds and bats, and invertebrates, such as bees, butterflies, …