LOA Today – 11.19.15

Returning once again to our exploration of past shows, we return to December 2012 when I interviewed a wife and mother named Elizabeth Hamilton who has struggled with debilitating allergies to nuts.

Forced by circumstances to learn how to identify and then overcome her allergies through careful food selection, she turned her allergies into a career devoted to sharing information about food allergies and helping to educate the world about the deadly risks inherent to those of us unfortunate enough to have these allergies.

After then suffering through the trial of her father’s stroke and recovery, followed by her creation of the Maine Cookie Company while twice winning the Mts. Maine contest, she then founded the Best Ever You Network, devoted to helping people meet their full potential. Today, it’s a highly successful network of hundreds of contributors and authors on the subject of reaching one’s dreams.

Elizabeth Hamilton from December 2012.

Paleo diet? Science has moved on since the stone age By Tim Spector

“Our ancestors didn’t eat like this, so we shouldn’t.” This is the main ethos of many modern diets which advise us to exclude a number of recent additions to our plates because they were not part of our distant predecessors diet. There are many different variations on the theme – from all-encompassing “palaeolithic-style” diets to grain-free or gluten-free regimes – …