Two brands of rotavirus vaccine licensed in the United States are under review in France after two infant deaths from intussusception in 2012 and 2014. A report has been submitted by the French licensing agency, the MSNA, to the ‘General Directorate of Health’. The brands include the Merck Rotateq vaccine, of which leading compulsory vaccination advocate Paul Offit was co-inventor and share-holder, …
We are eating WHAT?
What if you took a spoonful of your morning cereal and had an allergic reaction or even felt tranquillized? But when you looked at the package labeling there were no ingredients that would seem to be red flags? Increasingly, thanks to an FDA loophole, food makers use additives and chemicals that they and not the FDA have declared “safe” and the ingredients …
Food & Water Watch calls on FDA to declare GMO salmon unsafe to eat
Food & Water Watch filed two legal petitions today asking the FDA to evaluate AquaBounty’s (ABTX) genetically engineered salmon as a “food additive,” instead of as an animal drug, and to declare GMO salmon unsafe to eat based on the food additive review process. “It couldn’t be more clear to consumers that GMO salmon is a food, not a drug,” …
Factory Farm Meat: Why Vegetarians, Ranchers and Conscious Omnivores Need to Unite
For the first time since the advent of industrial agriculture, the federal government is considering advising Americans to eat “less red and processed meat.” That advice is the outcome of studies conducted by an independent panel of “experts” which was asked by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for recommended changes …
Vaccine safety and contamination dangers at manufacturing plants
As if parents didn’t already have enough to worry about when faced with pro-vaccine pressure from healthcare professionals, government agencies and fellow parents, additional vaccine dangers continue to be discovered. Pharmaceutical companies are guilty of taking safety shortcuts and allowing dangerous contaminants to make their way into vaccines. For example, in 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cited pharmaceutical manufacturer Sanofi for …
Factory Farm Meat: Why Vegetarians, Ranchers and Conscious Omnivores Need to Unite
For the first time since the advent of industrial agriculture, the federal government is considering advising Americans to eat “less red and processed meat.” That advice is the outcome of studies conducted by an independent panel of “experts” which was asked by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for recommended changes to the …
FDA Pushing To Regulate Homeopathy Out of Existence
Why is there a sudden push by the FDA to label homeopathic remedies as dangerous? Why is there a need to regulate substances that have been used for hundreds of years with out any issues? What does the FDA have to gain? The FDA has published two documents recently, which suggest that WAR is being declared on the profession of …
Diabetes drug causes cancer: Big pharma fined for destroying the evidence
In 1999, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new drug – Actos – for the treatment of diabetes in the United States. It did not take long before the drug became the best-selling diabetes treatment in the world, primarily due to its effect of reducing glucose production in the liver. For those taking and prescribing it, Actos seemed like a …
The Social Costs Of Capitalism Are Destroying Earth’s Ability To Support Life
I admire David Ray Griffin for his wide-ranging intelligence, his research skills, and for his courage. Dr. Griffin is not afraid to take on the controversial topics. He gave us ten books on 9/11, and anyone who has read half of one of them knows that the official story is a lie. Now Griffin has taken on global warming and …
‘Cow-Free Milk:’ A False Solution to Industry Agriculture
Sometimes technological advances come about to answer the wrong question. But what happens when you ask the right question but technology is the wrong tool? You get Muufri. If you don’t feel comfortable drinking milk from a cow but do feel comfortable drinking milk that a few guys made in the lab on summer vacation, then Muufri is for you. …