“Updates on universities, politicians, and grad student unions, Bill Gates obscene wealth, Harley-Davidson’ illegal pollution and more. Analyses of capitalism’s craziness: insufficient demand, unemployment’s wastes, state subsidies for all systems.”
Paul Buchheit – The Real Terrorists: The .01%
They consist of 16,000 individuals, about the size of a crowd at a professional basketball game. The inequality horror they’ve fomented is reaching far beyond the half of America that is in or near poverty, for it now impacts those of us well above the median, those of us in the second highest of four wealth quartiles. 1. The .01% …
Peter Moskowski – The Billionaire Shit List, #20: Sergey Brin
Income inequality is at an all time high. The world’s 80 richest people have as much wealth as the poorest 50 percent. By 2016, Oxfam International predicts the richest one percent of people will own more than every other human on the planet. Billionaires, however, are not a necessary part of our great economy. They are, in fact, a giant vacuum sucking wealth from …
Deirdre Fulton – As Europe’s One Percent Flourishes, Millions Sink into Poverty
On a continent that is home to some of the world’s richest people, most profitable businesses, and most valuable assets—including 342 billionaires—more than 120 million people are at risk of poverty, exemplifying the “unacceptable” levels of inequality sweeping Europe in 2015. That’s according to Oxfam, whose new report, A Europe for the Few, Not the Many (pdf), warns that the excessive …
Wealth of world’s billionaires surges past $7 trillion
The combined net worth of the world’s billionaires has reached a new high in 2015 of $7.05 trillion, according to the latest compilation published by Forbes magazine on Monday. There are a record 1,826 billionaires, each with an average wealth of $3.8 billion. Relative to last year, the world’s billionaires have increased their combined wealth by more than 10 percent, from $6.4 …