The July 3rd Edition of Warrior Connection was a continuation of our discussion with Dr. Bob Shaw. We discussed dealing with daily and never ending VA failures that cause physiological and psychological harm INSTEAD OF HELPING, coming home, the healing effects and pain generated by The WALL, making choices, thriving through education, and the role of forgiveness. Denise gave a brief update on DC actions, events and her meeting with Va’s Dr Clancy.
Andrew Hoffman – The limits of intellectual reason in our understanding of the natural world
Ability to see the cultural value of wilderness boils down, in the last analysis, to a question of intellectual humility. Author and conservationist Aldo Leopold wrote these words in 1949, and they are all the more important today. As we enter the 21st century and today’s children look forward to living in the 22nd, this lack of intellectual humility is harming us …
Energy Stew – Answers Your Big Life Questions – 02.05.16
This is an opportunity to see how my intuition can be of help to you. I’ll spend a few minutes with each person and you’ll be amazed at how much I can tell you about your situation in that short time.
I can answer questions about a lot of different things from family issues to health to work issues as so much of the information doesn’t come from my own brain but rather from a higher consciousness.
Many of you have been students or clients in the past so you already know how I work.
DAVID HOELSCHER – New Atheism, Worse Than You Think
In the years since the so-called “New Atheism” burst onto the scene in the mid 2000s, the movement has not lacked for critics among nonbelievers and agnostics. Until recently, however, few of them wrote books on the subject. Of those who did, apparently the only ones who focused on the cultural and sociopolitical aspects of the movement were Chris Hedges …
Turning Point – 10.19.15
Does the Punishment Fit the Crime?
Stephanie Kirchgaessner – Pope Francis tells priests to pardon women who have abortions
Pope Francis has opened the door for women who have had abortions – an act considered a grave sin by the Catholic church – to be absolved if they express contrition and seek forgiveness from their priest. “The forgiveness of God cannot be denied to one who has repented,” the pontiff wrote in an extraordinary letter that was released by the …
LOA Today – 08.06.15
Did you know that one of the best ways to gain better health is to forgive? That’s right, and it has nothing to do with the person you’re forgiving. The act of true forgiveness actually has some amazing physiological benefits to the person doing the forgiving.
This week on LOA Today, we explore the incredible, physical impact of forgiveness on the human brain of the forgiver.