John Whitehead – Dangerous Speech: Would the Founders Be Considered Domestic Extremists Today?

Not only has free speech become a four-letter word–profane, obscene, uncouth, not to be uttered in so-called public places–but in more and more cases, the US government deems it to be downright dangerous and in some instances illegal. It has become particularly intolerant of speech that challenges its power, reveals its corruption, exposes its lies, and encourages the citizenry to …

Mother Earth Is Weeping For Her Children: The US Military Must Stop Environmental Ecocide – Joy First

As I traveled to DC to risk arrest in an action organized by the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) I was feeling nervous, but also knowing this is what I needed to be doing. This would be my first arrest since I was arrested at the CIA in June 2013, and served a one-year probation sentence after an October …

Undermining Independent Media: How to Beat Internet Trolls

In order to beat Internet trolls, you have to know their strategies. Below are 17 common games played by trolls to disrupt our power to learn, inform, and organize on the web … 1.  Threaten those who speak out, to try to intimidate them and their readers into silence. 2. Misquote the Bible to pretend that God commands us to be obedient …