Political Analysis – Progressives Debate Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Primary Run and a Critical Look at Freelancing – 05.14.15

The May 14 edition of “Political Analysis” on The Progressive Radio Network featured a debate between a proponent of U.S. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) run for president as part of the Democratic Party primary vs. Hillary Clinton (among others) and a critic of it. It also featured a critical look at the political-economy of freelancing.

On the first half of the show, Carl Gibson, author of an Al Jazeera America article in favor of a Sanders Democratic Party primary run went toe-to-toe with Ashley Smith, author of an article appearing online in Jacobin Magazine critical of such a run.

The second half of the show featured Sarah Grey, author of the recent piece published online by Jacobin titled, “Four Myths About the ‘Freelancer Class.’”