Frida Berrigan – Time Spent in Guantánamo Is Time No One Gets Back – Whether Soldier or Prisoner

I love my local paper. The Day is locally owned and based right in downtown New London, Connecticut. They publish an actual, physical newspaper every single day and have a first rate photo department. Their news pages feature a mix of national and international articles from The New York Times and AP wire service stories, as well as locally produced articles of local interest …

Frida Berrigan – Kids’ Questions on a Lockdown Planet

What did you do at school today, Seamus?” It’s a question I ask him everyday. “Well,” my proud preschooler begins, “we did not have a lockdown drill today.” And that’s about as far as he gets in the art of storytelling. Sometimes I’ll get something about “bim” (gym) or how “Bambi” (Jeremy) pinched him during free play. But the thing …