Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #750- FRI, APR 13- (04-13-2018): #1- Getting residency and a 2nd Passport in Latin America; That second passport is your “get out of Dodge” free card when things get rough and Uncle Sam puts the hammer down and starts to limit freedom of movement. That’s what always happens when national calamities both natural and man-made strike …
Expat Files – 04.08.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #749- SUN, APR 08- (04-08-2018): #1- PERU: what’s wrong with it, what’s right with it? How do gringos and Expats make out living, and retiring there? #2- The Odebrecht payoffs: What the ass media (I mean mass media) is not telling you about the biggest corruption scandal in the history of Latin America. #3-Big city living …
Expat Files – 04.06.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #748- FRI, APR 06- (04-06-2018): “#1- Crypto currency and mining in Latin America, an April 2018 update: A bitcoin multi-millionaire writes in, answering and commenting on all the hot and heavy questions gringos and expats have been asking and wondering about. He clears the air on many points you certainly have not heard mentioned before, anywhere. …
Expat Files – 04.01.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #747- SUN, APR 01- (04-01-2018): #1- How gringos and expats who insist on staying off the radar buy their phones, SIM cards and internet service, while still somehow remaining (mostly) anonymous: In the last year or so most all Latin countries have passed laws forcing local cellphone and internet providers to require passport, home address and …
Expat Files – 03.30.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #746- FRI, MAR 30- (03-30-2018): #1- Muslims and Arabs in Latin America: Lately, lots of emails have been coming in expressing concern that radical Muslims may be setting up shop in Latin America intent on making their way through Mexico up to the states. Today we offer some more surprising “boots on the ground” insights on …
Ray McGovern – How an Iran War Was Averted
On a recent TV appearance, I was asked about whistleblowing, but the experience brought back to mind a crystal-clear example of how, before the Iraq War, CIA careerists were assigned “two bosses” – CIA Director George Tenet and John Bolton, the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, the arch-neocon who had been thrust on an obedient Secretary …
Connect The Dots – Why TPP and the Trade Deals Can Be Stopped – 10.14.15
Listen to William Waren, Senior Trade Policy Analyst at Friends of the Earth.