Joachim Hagopian – Six Reasons Why the Iowa Caucus Turned into a Voter Fraud Circus in Favor of Hillary

No sooner out the gate with the closest caucus vote in Iowa history already on the books, the very first state tally of delegate votes leading to the 2016 presidential election bears strong indication of voter fraud. It’s been reported that Hillary Clinton instructed her staff in Iowa to rig the caucus voting by falsely standing in the O’Malley corner …

Stephen Gowans – Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Equals a U.S. Aircraft Carrier

The U.S. political elite is never entirely secretive about its aims. It spells them out, maybe not always clearly and maybe sometimes elliptically, but it is fairly open in declaring its objectives and how it intends to achieve them. When she was U.S. secretary of state, Hilary Clinton adumbrated the Trans-Pacific Partnership in a 2011 article in Foreign Affairs, the …

Tony Cartalucci – There and Back Again – Your Trip Through the American Empire

Enter the American Empire The hearing is one of many interfaces between corporate-financier funded policy think tanks and the politicians who will ultimately rubber stamp their schemes and designs into law. It consists of a panel of bought-off, self-serving senators, listening to think-tank academics with no practical experience along with retired generals drawing paychecks by keeping big-defense, big-oil, big-ag, big-finance, …

Tony Cartalucci – US vs China: US-Backed Mobs Seek to Overthrow Malaysian Government

Malaysia’s “Bersih” movement – an umbrella organization for various opposition groups opposed to the current government of Prime Minister Najib Razak – plans its fourth street demonstration in 8 years to unfold at the end of August. While Bersih’s alleged goal is “clean and fair elections,” it is openly led by the government’s opposition headed by the now imprisoned US-proxy Anwar Ibrahim and …

The Myth of Global ‘Free’ Trade – Pepe Escobar

The key to TTIP is the so-called Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism that essentially gives corporations free reign to sue governments using a “failure to implement” provision, if state policies or legislation interfere with profits. But is this all about trade? There was a direct, crucial “secret” agenda linking the G7 meeting in Germany and theBilderberg meeting in Austria last week; the advancement of the …

The FDA and Big Pharma’s Latest Killer Agenda: Destroy Homeopathic Medicine By Joachim Hagopian

Like pretty much everything these days, money equates to power in the big business world of both geopolitics and monopolized corporate control designed to eliminate individual liberties and personal choice around the globe. We’ve seen it with the treasonous US crime cabal government that engineered the murder of 3000 Americans on 9/11 to establish a fake war on terror with fake enemies acting as …

Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral: the Globalists have a major problem by Jon Rappoport

Stay with me on this one. You’ll see what the powers-that-be are really worried about. You can roll up Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the several current trade treaties nearing completion… you can insert all these Rockefeller Globalist forces into one great corporate agenda, and… There is a problem. A problem …