The Space-Saving, ‘Upside-Down Way’ To Grow Indoor Tomatoes This Winter

Indoor gardening can be a great way to have fresh vegetables year-round and satisfy your green thumb during the winter, but if you live in a small home or apartment, it can be challenging to find enough room for your plants. One solution is to turn your indoor garden on its head – literally. Many vegetable plants that do well …

Big Food Once Again Tries to Muscle in on Kids’ School Lunch Trays

A 2002 federal program that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to the country’s poorest schools is now at risk because of crony capitalism. Lobbyists from the frozen, fried, canned, and dried food industries are all jostling to have their products included in the government program, and their efforts are paying off. Reps. Bruce Poliquin (R-ME) and Kurt Schrader (D-OR) have recently …

Research says: Organic produce has higher cancer fighting nutrients than conventional

Organic produce sales are booming around the world. People opt for organic foods because they know it’s healthier, has more nutrients, and tastes better than produce grown with chemicals. In fact, despite the twisted (deceitful) propaganda created by the chemical industry, several recent studies prove that organic food is superior by nature. Conventional produce is grown with toxic fertilizers, insecticides, and preservatives …

Eating fruits and vegetables with high pesticide residues linked with poor semen quality

The study, which is published online today (Tuesday) in Human Reproduction [1], one of the world’s leading reproductive medicine journals, shows that men who ate the highest amount of fruit and vegetables with high levels of pesticide residue had a 49% lower sperm count and a 32% lower percentage of normally-formed sperm than men who consumed the least amount. An accompanying editorial …

Make Your Own Chemical-Free Citrus Household Cleaner!

Sick of nasty chemical-laden household cleaners? Think you’re making the smarter, healthier buy with “green” cleaning products? You might still be using some nasty, environment-harming chemicals in your home. Many products that are supposed to be environmentally friendly still contain chemicals like 2-Butoxyethanol, which is linked to birth defects, reproductive problems, and a host of other diseases. So if you can’t even …

4 Important Tips for Growing Your Own Superfoods

For those who bother to grow their own food – a ‘radical’ act that has almost become necessary due to the GMO-laden land around us – the idea of consuming boosted plant nutrients is wildly appealing. Growing specific varieties of vegetables and fruits which are rich in phytonutrients, including anthocyanins, quercetin, lutein, and lycopene, for example, can help to prevent cancer, help …