Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing, In the second half of the program Gary gives a extensive time to talk about what he thinks is important and that’s the people shouldn’t accept a two party system, Gary gives his own in depth analysis on this. Gary also covers the topic of the health of Hilary Clinton and what everyone should know. While giving his own commentary, Gary also gives one from Professor Henry Giroux.
Greg Palast – The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters
When Donald Trump claimed, “the election’s going to be rigged,” he wasn’t entirely wrong. But the threat was not, as Trump warned, from Americans committing the crime of “voting many, many times.” What’s far more likely to undermine democracy in November is the culmination of a decade-long Republican effort to disenfranchise voters under the guise of battling voter fraud. The …
Infectious Myth – Is the United States a Democracy – 08.23.16
David examines the problematic characteristics of the United States unique electoral system. Some of these include the embedded two party system, where third parties are allowed, but can never achieve power, and the lack of true federal elections, with most rules about the elections controlled by states or counties. The US constitution appears to act as a barrier to real and rapid reform.
Black Agenda Radio – 08.22.16
Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Ajamu Baraka talks about the Clinton campaign’s dirty politics and lies against the Greens; the Black Is Back Coalition gathers in Philadelphia for a conference on Self-Determination; and, a courtroom victory in defense of public education in Detroit.
Meria Heller – Roaring Truth – 08.14.16
Roaring Truth with Meria and Jim Fetzer. Election nightmare 2016;Hillary’s health -is it Parkinsons? Her handler;Tim Kaine;Mike Pence;TPP-NAFTA on steroids;Supreme court replacement? abortion/LGBT rights and Pence;Bernie & Jill Stein;kids aren’t stupid;Pokeman;2 party system? Khan family;Dylann Roof;John Hinckley released;JFK-MLK-RFK conspiracies;Supreme Court stole your vote in 2000 by giving it to Bush; don’t bother fighting with family and friends – your vote doesn’t count…let us count the ways.
David Weigel – Third-party candidates lose legal fight to get into presidential debates
A long-shot lawsuit by the Libertarian and Green Party candidates for president has been tossed out by a federal judge, lowering the odds of a third-party candidate making it into this year’s televised debates. “We are exploring our options, with the firm resolve that this case and the larger issue of fair debates are too important to simply allow such an arbitrary dismissal,” said …
Leid Stories—Election 2016: For Sanders Supporters and Other Progressives, Green Party or Bust?—08.04.16
At its Aug. 4-7 national convention in Houston, Texas, the Green Party of the United States officially will nominate its presidential candidate for the general election—all but certain to be physician Jill Stein—and tend to other vital election-year matters. Chief among them, no doubt, will be moving the party beyond its 0.36-percent share of the overall vote, when Stein headed the Green Party presidential ticket in 2012. Bernie Sanders’ full-throttled defection to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party may be Stein’s good fortune, but even if that and widespread discontent with the political process were to bring new blood and interest to the party, is the Green Party prepared to do battle with the Duopoly?
Ellen Brown – Can Jill Carry Bernie’s Baton? A Look at the Green Candidate’s Radical Funding Solution
Bernie Sanders supporters are flocking to Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party presidential candidate, with donations to her campaign exploding nearly 1000% after he endorsed Hillary Clinton. Stein salutes Sanders for the progressive populist movement he began and says it is up to her to carry the baton. Can she do it? Critics say her radical policies will not hold up to …
Ben Kamisar – Third-party support surging
Voters now confronted with the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are making something abundantly clear: they want another option. Surveys over the last six weeks have found a steady but noticeable jump in support for third-party candidates. The biggest beneficiary has been Libertarian Gary Johnson, who has shot up from 4.5 percent to 7.2 percent in RealClearPolitics polling averages. Green Party candidate Jill …
Green Party’s Jill Stein Urges Bernie Sanders to Run Rogue for White House
The Green Party’s Jill Stein has offered Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders top billing on her party’s ticket, should he choose to leave the Democrats, the party that has, by all appearances, resisted him throughout his wildly popular campaign. While Sanders is still technically a Democratic Party presidential candidate, he has yet to endorse frontrunner Hillary Clinton, though he has ceased campaigning …