The Plutocracy Report – 05.18.18

ANARCHY IN THE U.S.A! Well to be more precise Cooperative anarchy. Vince explains the concept in the first half of today’s show by giving the real definition outside the dichotomy of division. He also touches on the pentagon’s secret waste and some democrats obsession with spelling errors. After that he explains how hearing the news of Trumps approval rating going …

The Torch – 04.23.18

Nadya Tannous represents Interfaith Peace Builders to Israel/Palestine. IFPB organizes diverse delegations to Israel/Palestine to become a grassroots force to change their own communities and create a new reality for Israel and Palestine. They work to end the crippling border blockade of Gaza by Israel and the return of Palestinians to their land on Israel. Alexey Yaroshevsky Senior Russian TV …

Ramzy Baroud – Hold your applause, Fatah, the Palestinian body politic is rotten to the core

In July 2003, the then Palestinian Authority Chairman, Yasser Arafat, described Mahmoud Abbas as a “traitor” who “betrayed the interests of the Palestinian People.” Arafat loathed Abbas to the very end. This particular outburst was made during a meeting with United Nations envoy Terje Larsen. The meeting took place a few months after Arafat was coerced by the US, Israel …


“I have survived the past three wars, but that is not the problem. In this place, wars come and go. The bigger struggle is not to lose hope. The only way I can do that is to retreat, and create my own world, and become oblivious.” This was told to me by 36-year old Ali, who works as a waiter …

The Gary Null Show – 09.09.11

Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing, Gary does something different today as he gives an extensive amount of time on part 2 of the Israeli soldier speaking out against the government. Gary closes out the program by opening up the lines for a talk back segment. Make sure …

Tom Engelhardt – Donald Trump Is the Mosquito, Not the Zika Virus

Graduates of 2016, don’t be fooled by this glorious day.  As you leave campus for the last time, many of you already deeply in debt and with a lifetime of payments to look forward to, you head into a world that’s anything but sunny.  In fact, through those gates that have done little enough to protect you is the sort of fog …

David Sheen – Extreme Takeover: Why Many Are Calling Israel’s New Government the ‘Most Racist’ in History

With the announcement that hard-right Avigdor Lieberman would soon use his powerful position as Minister of Defense in the Israeli cabinet to advance additional anti-democratic legislation, members of the old Israeli political establishment could scarcely contain their apprehension. “Lieberman is the new Kahane [3],” read the title of an op-ed by a former two-time Israeli minister, a reference to the founding …

Ury Avery – When God Despairs

RIGHT AFTER the foundation of Israel, God appeared to David Ben-Gurion and told him: “You have done good by my people. Utter a wish and I shall grant it!” “I wish that Israel shall be Jewish, democratic and encompass all the country between the Mediterranean and the Jordan,” Ben-Gurion replied. “That is too much even for me!” God exclaimed. “But …

Netanyahu plans fence around Israel to protect it from ‘wild beasts’

Binyamin Netanyahu has announced his intention to “surround all of Israel with a fence” to protect the country from infiltration by both Palestinians and the citizens of surrounding Arab states, whom he described as “wild beasts”. The Israeli prime minister unveiled the proposal during a tour of the Jordan border area in Israel’s south, adding that the project – which would cost …

Philip Weiss – The world the settlers made

Shiloh The first order of business in my third settlement is to get a bottle of wine. Avi drives me down the hill to visit the wine presses of a fellow American immigrant. We pass a group of Palestinian workers leaving a building site with a Jewish security guard and Avi shakes his head over the practice.unfinished house across the …