Amnesty whitewashes another massacre – Paul de Rooij

Amnesty International has issued four reports on the Israeli massacre in Gaza in 2014.1Given the scale of the destruction and the number of fatalities, any attempt to document the crimes committed should be welcomed. However, these reports are problematic, and raise questions about the organisation itself, including why the reports were ever written at all.2They also raise questions about the …

Israeli defense minister promises to kill more civilians and threatens to nuke Iran – Asa Winstanley

Israeli defense minister Moshe Yaalon on Tuesday said Israel would attack entire civilian neighborhoods during any future assault on Gaza or Lebanon. Speaking at a conference in Jerusalem, Yaalon threatened that “we are going to hurt Lebanese civilians to include kids of the family. We went through a very long deep discussion … we did it then, we did it in [the] Gaza Strip, we …

Israeli Soldiers Describe How They “Shot Innocent Civilians Because They Were Bored” – Tyler Durden

On July 12 of 2014 we reported that “after conducting countless sorties and bombing raids aimed at Hamas operatives in Gaza during the fifth day of Operation Protective Edge, but resulting in well over a hundred innocent civilian deaths in the past week, Israel, realizing it is not generating any brownie points with the international “humanitarian” media, finally did what it had …

Palestine Faces Grave Climate Threat, But Lacks Voice At UN Talks – Ed King

Few conflicts generate as much heat and rage as the ongoing tussle between Israel and Palestine. Peace appears as far away as ever, after the recent collapse of US-led talks, and the 2014 Gaza war. The two nations face an added, unseen and growing threat – that could heighten tensions yet further. Rising global temperatures are likely to make drought …

‘Indiscriminate’ Killing in Gaza Was Top-Down War Plan, say Israeli Veterans – Sarah Lazare

The “massive and unprecedented harm” inflicted on the population of Gaza during last summer’s 50-day Israeli military assault stemmed from the top of the chain of command, which gave orders to shoot indiscriminately at civilians, according to the anonymous testimony of more than 60 officers and soldiers who took part in “Operation Protective Edge.” The Israeli group Breaking the Silence, an …

2014 Deadliest Year for Palestinians Since 1967, UN Report Finds

Palestinians suffered a dramatic increase in fatalities last year, with more killed by Israel in 2014 than any other annual period since the 1967 war nearly 50 years ago. A new report from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory found that, overall, Israel was responsible for 2,314 Palestinian deaths and 17,125 injuries last …

Israel’s “Every Day Terrorism”, Crimes against Palestinian Children. For Hamza: Arms Sanctions Against Israel

This is for the child that is searching for an answer, I wish I could take your tears and replace them with laughter, Long live Palestine, Long live Gaza! Lowkey Meet little Hamza Mus’ab Almadani of Khan Younis, Gaza. Look carefully, look tenderly, don’t turn away. Please don’t turn away as all the nations of the world have, for decades, …

Apartheid Forever: Israel’s Netanyahu Rules Out Palestinian Citizenship Rights

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, under extreme pressure over the real possibility that he will lose the March 17 elections, has made a powerful appeal to his far right wing constituency by openly admitting that he will never allow a Palestinian state and that he intends to flood Israeli squatters into East Jerusalem and its environs to make sure this Occupied …

Gaza Rebuild Effort Could Take 100 Years: Oxfam

Despair and destruction continue to envelop the blockaded Gaza strip, where the rebuilding of vital structures could take up to a century, Oxfam International has warned. The organization’s statement comes six months after a ceasefire agreement ended Israel’s 50-day assault on Gaza, which left over 2,100 Palestinians dead, decimated thousands of structures, and weakened already damaged infrastructure systems. Oxfam is one of 30 international aid agencies that …