Credit union advantages They are essentially nonprofit organizations Lower loan rates Pay higher savings yields Lighter on fees – 72% of largest credit unions offer free non string checking – many don’t have monthly fees (but those often don’t pay interest either Lower fees for overdrawing Many require only $5 to open savings account If you are a veteran, …
Deirdre Fulton – Arms Industry Donating to Hawkish Clinton Over Incoherent Trump
Employees of 25 of the nation’s largest defense companies—such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and Raytheon—are choosing to fill the coffers of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over those of her rival, GOP nominee Donald Trump. That’s according to a new analysis by Politico, published Wednesday and based on federal campaign finance filings. Indeed, Politico found that Clinton—whose hawkish tendencies have been front-and-center during the 2016 campaign—is leading Trump “by …
Zaid Jilani – Whoa, Pentagon Influences TV Shows Like ‘American Idol’? New Documents Show Scary Collaboration
It’s a little-known fact that the Pentagon has for years directly influenced the production [3] of a wide variety of television programming. In fact, in instances where the producing companies are accessing military hardware, the Department of Defense requires approval of the scripts, a process which can result in line-by-line edits by the government of film and television plots and dialogue. …
US Replenishes Israel’s Arsenal With $1.9 Billion in New Weapons – Paul Gottinger
This week the U.S. State Department approved almost $1.9 billion in new weapons for Israel. The approval comes just weeks after the Israeli rights group Breaking the Silence collected reports of possible violations of international law during Israel’s 2014 “Operation Protective Edge” in Gaza. The weapons sale includes 14,500 kits to upgrade “dumb” bombs into precision-guided munitions, over 12,000 unguided bombs, and …