Alex Henderson – 10 Economic Woes Generation X Faces

You hear a lot about millennials being in a tight spot financially, but less about the generation sandwiched between them and the baby boomers: Generation X. The oldest Gen-Xers were born in the mid-1960s and are now in their early 50s; many other Xers are well into their 40s, and they’ve suffered the brunt of several economic downturns. Gen-X, which …

We millennials lack a roadmap to adulthood

Life is often referred to as a “highway”, to borrow from Tom Cochrane, and for my generation that hasn’t changed. “Adulthood today lacks a well-defined roadmap”, writes Steven Mintz, in his forthcoming book The Prime of Life. “Today, individuals must define or negotiate their roles and relationships without clear rules or precedents to follow”. This is especially true for us …