A conversation with artist and independent scholar Bruce Rimell about psychedelic entities, evolutionary module of cognition, Visionary Humanism, and his meaty new book They Shimmer Within: Cognitive-Evolutionary Perspectives on Visionary Beings. http://www.biroz.net/about.htm Download this episode (right click and save)
The Infectious Myth – David Rasnick on the Real Cause of Cancer – 02.13.18
David Rasnick has been pursuing the idea that cancer is really caused by aneuploidy, a significantly wrong number of chromosomes in tumor cells, rather than by a series of mutations in one cell. This is not really new, it was known in the early 1900s, but has generally been ignored despite problems with the mutation theory. David Rasnick put these …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.29.17
My guest again is Peter Gøtzsche, MD, the remarkable Danish physician and researcher who has written the stunning book, Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial. Our theme is “How Psychiatry Uses Force Against Its Patients and Its Critics.” This impassioned conversation will give you a deeper look into how the two of us think about our scientific and reform work; and about the …
The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Living Safely within a Wireless World – 01.03.17
Host, Ellen Kamhi, PhD,RN www.naturalnurse.com, interviews Dr. Elizabeth Plourde, a health educator and vibrant-health coach.
Energy Stew – Bruce Buff – 12.16.16
Does DNA hold the secrets to creation? – Energy Stew interview with Bruce Buff
Sandra Park – Who Should Control Your Genetic Information — You or Corporate Laboratories?
Should patients have the same right to access their genetic information from a laboratory as they would a copy of their MRI, X-rays, or physical exam records? We believe the answer is clearly yes, which is why today we filed the firstcomplaint seeking to guarantee patients’ rights to their own genetic data. The stakes are high. On one side are four …
50% Increase in Breast Cancer Expected, But No One Talks About its Biggest Causes – Christina Sarich
A new study from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) predicts fifty percent more women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the next few decades, with more than 441,000 new cases expected in the US by 2030. The study points to an aging population as the reason why we can expect such a dramatic leap in breast cancer cases, but is that thereal reason why …
6 Ways Big Pharma Exploits Our Worst Fears to Hook America on Drugs
Long before the Internet and direct to consumer advertising, the medical profession tried to reassure people about their health concerns. Sure, fatigue and headaches could be a symptom of a brain tumor; sure, a cough could be a symptom of lung cancer—but most doctors tried to assuage, not sow, fear. Remember “take two aspirins and call me in the morning”? …