MARY CLARE JALONICK – Senate bill would block mandatory GMO labeling

A Senate committee is moving forward on legislation that would prevent states from requiring labels on genetically modified foods. Vermont is set to require such labels this summer. Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts of Kansas released draft legislation late Friday that would block that law and create new voluntary labels for companies that want to use them on food packages …

Steven M. Druker – The GMO Dark Act Cannot Survive the Light

An ardent attempt is afoot on Capitol Hill to prevent states from requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods – made especially urgent by the fact that Vermont’s labeling bill is set to take effect July 1st. Although proponents of these foods scored a major victory in July when they induced the House of Representatives to pass a bill (HR …

Grain – The Biotech Corporate Vision: Genetically Engineered Crops, Transgenic Seeds, Demise of Agroecology

Just when the biotech companies that make transgenic seeds are merging, the corporate vision of biotechnology is showing up at FAO. At today’s opening of the three-day international symposium on agricultural biotechnologies convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, more than 100 social movement and civil society organisations (CSOs) from four continents have …

Dinesh C. Sharma – Monsanto ‘faked’ data for approvals claims its ex-chief

* Tiruvadi Jagadisan says the company ‘used to fake scientific data’ The debate on genetically modified (GM) brinjal variety continues to generate heat. Former managing director of Monsanto India, Tiruvadi Jagadisan, is the latest to join the critics of Bt brinjal, perhaps the first industry insider to do so. Jagadisan, who worked with Monsanto for nearly two decades, including eight …

Justin Gardner – Monsanto Exposed As Source For White Phosphorus Used In Gaza Massacre

Monsanto has earned the dubious reputation of being one of the most hated companies in the world. Its grand proclamations of working to feed the world and help the environment have been exposed for a sham. Their genetically modified (GM) crops have not increased yields, despite claims to the contrary. What they have done is: 1) encouraged monoculture, industrialized farming, 2) smothered out …

Colin Todhunter – “Lies, Lies And More Lies” – GMOs, Poisoned Agriculture And Toxic Rants

Have you ever read all of those pro-GMO scientists-cum-lobbyists professing their love of science? They are always talking about how science must prevail over ignorance and ideology then they play on the public’s ignorance by using ideology and sloganeering to try to get their points across. As as been well documented (see here and here), it is the pro-GMO lobby/industry that distorts and …

Claire Robinson – How GMO lobbyists taught me we’re winning

GMO promoters enthuse about how GM crops will be able to help the poor and hungry, far in the future, writes Claire Robinson. But they are silent about the currently-planted GM crops – 99% of them herbicide-tolerant or insecticidal. Could it be because opponents of the technology are being proved right at every turn? Insofar as reason and science are …

Medicine’s Future: Will the FDA Let It Happen?

The most exciting and innovative advancement in medicine today is the field of medical testing. So why is the FDA strangling it? Action Alert! Natural medicine is said to stand on three legs: a natural diet, nutritional supplements, and integrative treatments. But an essential fourth leg is medical testing. It’s of crucial importance to natural health. If the FDA takes …

Monsanto Offered $10M to Prove GMO Safety: Monsanto Never Shows…

On Monday December 21, students from Livingston High School joined Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an American scientist with a PhD in systems biology from MIT, to debate the ‘safety’ of GMO crops. Monsanto was invited to come and prove that there are indeed GMO safety assessment standards, and was even offered a $10 million enticement to send representatives to argue its side. But the …

F. William Engdahl – Victory in Paris vs Monsanto GMO Cabal

There is a very positive news coming out of Paris, a city with more than her share of bad news lately. It’s a major legal victory for the voices of science and reason against the GMO Monsanto-led cabal. Its implications will be felt worldwide. If our world ever gets the will to rid the 21st Century Black Death plague masquerading …