100,000 German beekeepers call for GMO cultivation ban

German beekeepers have called for a nationwide ban on cultivating GM plants, reports the German NGO keine-gentechnik.de. The call by the German Beekeepers Association (DIB), which represents almost 100,000 beekeepers, comes after Europe adopted controversial legislation enabling member states to opt-out of the cultivation of GMOs that have been approved at the EU level. Under the law, a member state can ban a GMO …

New Study Finds GMO Corn Makes Rats Infertile – Christina Sarich

Still think GMOs and their non-GMO counterparts are equivalent? Think again. Unlike GM corn, non-GMO corn doesn’t cause sterility. A new study released by Egyptian scientists found that rats fed a GMO diet suffer from infertility, among other health issues. Researchers from the Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Anatomy and Embryology, and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, have …

Organic Under Attack: Report Exposes Big Food’s Tobacco-Style PR Blitz – Lauren McCauley

Remember that recent blog post you read about the popularity of genetically modified foods? Or the economics expert on the news who questioned if paying the price of organic food was ‘worth it’? According to a new report, these views were very likely the product of a public relations blitz by Big Food and Big Ag firms, that are actively …

Stupidity and Intelligence: Science, GMOs and Our Food – Vandana Shiva

“Science” is derived from the scire – “to know”. Each of us should know what we are eating, how it was produced, what impact it has on our health. “Agroecology, not the mechanistic and blind paradigm of industrial agriculture, is the truly scientific approach to food production.” The knowledge we need for growing food is knowledge of biodiversity and living seed, of …

Capture, Smear, Contaminate: The Politics Of GMOs By Colin Todhunter

When rich companies with politically-connected lobbyists and seats on public bodies bend policies for their own ends, we are in serious trouble. It is then that public institutions become hijacked and our choices, freedoms and rights are destroyed. Corporate interests have too often used their dubious ‘science’, lobbyists, political connections and presence within the heart of governments to subvert institutions …

Russian Deputy Prime Minister: GMOs Will NOT be Tolerated – Christina Sarich

Russian President, Vladimir Putin has led a strong stance against biotech and their cultivation of GM crops in his country. Now, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Arkady Dvorkovich, has announced at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that Russia WILL NOT use GM crops to boost agricultural production. Dvorkovich stated that the good quality of the soil across Russia’s land will …

EPA Knew EMFs Were a “Probable Human Carcinogen” Decades Ago and Covered It Up By Melissa Dykes

Did you know that back in 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency was all set to release a report that admitted electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are dangerous to our health, including that EMFs have been linked with “the development of various cancers” but stopped short of straight up admitting they are “probable carcinogens”? Isn’t it ironic the newspaper thought to tack a Radio …

The Global GMO Food War Against Humanity

The Global GMO Food War Against Humanity Richard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, November 18, 2014   After decades of rearing hogs, Danish farmer IbBorup Pedersen was alarmed at the growing incidence of malformations and biological defects among his newborn piglets. Deformities included gaps in piglets’ skulls, deformed bones, missing limbs and even a female piglet with testicles. …

The Deadly Duo of Genetically Modified Food and Toxic Pesticides

The Deadly Duo of Genetically Modified Food and Toxic Pesticides Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, August 12, 2014     After decades of rearing hogs, Danish farmer Ib Borup Pedersen was alarmed the growing incidence of malformations and biological defects among his new born piglets. Deformities included gaps in piglets’ skulls, deformed bones, missing limbs and …

The Hidden Hand- Who Controls The World?

by, Gary Null     The word “conspiracy” has lost its meaning and credibility in the American lexicon. Rarely is it ever used by mainstream media, professional associations and think tanks, and official federal public relations and propaganda in its original, constructive context to implicate wrongdoing and corruption. When “conspiracy” is heard, it is almost always pejorative, a word of …