Paleo diet? Science has moved on since the stone age By Tim Spector

“Our ancestors didn’t eat like this, so we shouldn’t.” This is the main ethos of many modern diets which advise us to exclude a number of recent additions to our plates because they were not part of our distant predecessors diet. There are many different variations on the theme – from all-encompassing “palaeolithic-style” diets to grain-free or gluten-free regimes – …

STUDY: Farmer suicides in rained areas of India correlate with Bt cotton adoption

An important new paper by respected researchers deconstructs the false hype around Bt insecticidal cotton in India. The study shows that: * Bt cotton, introduced in 2002 to control bollworm and other pests, is grown on more than 90% of the cotton area * By 2013 insecticide use was high – back to 2000 levels (before the introduction of Bt …

Obama’s secret TPP scheme will criminalize saving seeds, push biotech patent monopolies

The hidden details of a treasonous new “trade” agreement currently being negotiated between the U.S. and 11 other countries in secret continue to be leaked, with new evidence pointing to the further erosion of national food sovereignty under the sinister plan. The so-called “Trans-Pacific Partnership,” or TPP, threatens to eliminate the freedom of farmers to save seeds while forcing signatory …

Herbicide-Resistant Insects Are Destroying GMO Crops Like Never Before – Christina Sarich

Bt corn was originally created, or so Monsanto claims, to eradicate a farming nuisance known as root worm  But as evidence from a GMO corn lab comes in, we are learning how the pests are living the lives in fields planted with GM Bt corn seed. In 2011, a cornfield planted in Iowa with Bt corn was found to be completely decimated …

Whoa: Huge Number of Nutritional Experts May Be Bought off by the Big Junk Food Companies By Ari LeVaux

According to a new report, many scientific studies about nutrition, as well as the trusted experts who disseminate this information to the public, are being funded by the very entities that should be scrutinized. The report[3], “Nutrition Scientists on the Take from Big Food,” details the ways that the world’s largest food corporations—aka Big Food—exert their influence on nutrition research and the …

The Crisis: Regeneration or Degeneration? Ronnie Cummins

“If governments won’t solve the climate, hunger, health, and democracy crises, then the people will.” —Dr. Vandana Shiva, speaking at the founding meeting of Regeneration International, La Fortuna de San Carlos, Costa Rica, June 8, 2015 When literally billions of people, the 99 percent, are hungry or struggling to survive with justice and dignity; when the majority of the global body …

The Pro-GMO Lobby’s Latest Scapegoat: “Organic Farming is Starving The Poor”. Monsanto Can Save the World from Hunger By Colin Todhunter

Not since the original Luddites smashed cotton mill machinery in early 19th century England, have we seen such an organised, fanatical antagonism to progress and science. These enemies of the Green Revolution call themselves ‘progressive’, but their agenda could hardly be more backward-looking and regressive… their policies would condemn billions to hunger, poverty and underdevelopment. Owen Paterson stated the above earlier this …

Endgame for glyphosate? The global fallout of WHO’s ‘probable carcinogen’ classification Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji

WHO’s official recognition of the health damage caused by glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide, is having ramifications around the world, writes Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji. National governments are moving to restrict the chemical, campaigns to ban it are intensifying, and now ‘Roundup Ready’ GMO crops are coming under the regulatory spotlight. Could it be that the World Health Organisation’s …

Real Rewilding – Glenn Aparicio Parry, PhD

In an attempt to circumvent enmity toward genetically modified foods, Danish scientists are proposing what they claim is a precision breeding technique called “rewilding.” It is named rewilding because it mixes current genes from a plant with ancient genes of the same plant (old genes that were either lost or bred out somewhere along the way). The name sounds harmless, …

MSM and Biotech Try to Re-Brand GMO’s Due to Negative Response – Christina Sarich

In the same way Big Food makers tried to rename sugar in their products so that consumers wouldn’t know that their favorite brands contained almost 75 percent empty calories, the mainstream media is trying to re-brand GMOs so that the public thinks the food creations are completely safe. That’s right. Just like Hilary Clinton advised biotech at a recent symposium, she thinks if …