Experiments involving genetically engineered animals have nearly tripled in Germany in the past 10 years, driven by a burgeoning global industry that involves inventing and patenting genetically altered species for scientific research, says a new study commissioned by Germany’s Green Party and conducted by the research group Testbiotech. “We must not allow any more animals to be tortured.” —Nicole Maisch, Green …
David Bronner – On the Organic Trade Association’s betrayal of the movement for mandatory GMO labelling
Last week President Obama signed the DARK (Deny Americans their Right to Know) Act into law that pre-empts Vermont’s and all other state’s mandatory GMO labeling laws. This bill, passed by Congress two weeks ago, was championed by Senators Debbie Stabenow and Pat Roberts (Ranking Member and Chairman of the Senate Ag committee) along with USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom …
Todd Woody – Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought
As we’ve written before, the mysterious mass die-off of honey bees that pollinate $30 billion worth of crops in the US has so decimated America’s apis mellifera population that one bad winter could leave fields fallow. Now, a new study has pinpointed some of the probable causes of bee deaths and the rather scary results show that averting beemageddon will be much more …
MARTHA ROSENBERG – RONNIE CUMMINS – Dangerous Liaisons: ChemChina’s Bid for Syngenta
ChemChina wants to acquire the makers of atrazine, bee pesticides and Golden Rice Switzerland-based Syngenta AG is best known for its top-selling herbicide, atrazine; for trying to fool the world into thinking its genetically engineered Golden Rice will save the world; and for taking out pollinators with its neonicotinoid pesticides. The global agro-toxics corporation, which produces agrochemicals, seeds and GMOs, was …
Focus on the Facts – 08.01.16
Here is the description: The guest was Matt Landman, who discussed Geoengineering and the harm caused to people and the planet by the spraying of chem trails, and the injection of poisonous vaccines into infants and children, and the harm caused by GMOs and chemical laced foods sold in America.
Harwood D. Schaffer & Daryll E. Ray – US State Dept employee confirms GMO golden rice is Trojan Horse crop
* In this third column in our series identifying issues that remain unresolved by the recent labeling law adopted by both chambers of Congress, we complete the series with a discussion of seven additional contentious issues surrounding GMOs that we believe will remain long after the President signs the GMO labeling legislation. Different technologies – Most of the debate about GMOs …
it’s all about food – Mark Lewis, Chmachyakyakya: 8000-year Crops – 07.26.16
Part I: Mark Lewis, Chmachyakyakya: 8000-year Crops The most local form of local eating is wild plant foraging, and Mark Lewis of Arizona has been foraging the deserts and mountains of the Southwest for a long time, harvesting 2000 edibles and 500 medicinals throughout Arizona and the Sonoran/Bajan SW for 45 years using experience and knowledge from his grandfather and his …
Vandana Shiva – Avoid ‘miracle’ rice, just eat a carrot!
Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution, died on September 9, 2009. Alfred G. Gilman died on December 23, 2015. Both were Nobel laureates and now both dead. Gilman was a signatory to a recent letter condemning Greenpeace and its opposition to genetic engineering. How many Nobel laureates does it take to write a letter? Easily ascertained — the dead …
Rishma Parpia – Gates Foundation Funding Global Vaccine Program – More Powerful Than Government
Bill Gates is reported to be one of the richest individuals on Earth, with a current net worth of $87.4 billion. [1] The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), founded in 2000, is the largest private foundation in the world. [2] The foundation’s mission is to support and fund international development initiatives that improve social, economic and health conditions on a global …
Ted Greiner – Don’t Eat the Yellow Rice: The Danger of Deploying Vitamin A Golden Rice
What better way to discredit your critics than to rope in 107 naive Nobel Prize winners (all without relevant expertise) to criticize your opposition? But such tactics are not new. Long ago, the GMO industry spent well over $50 million to promote “Golden Rice” as the solution to vitamin A deficiency in low income countries. They did so well before the technology …