Focus on the Facts – 10.10.16

The guest was Kevin Galalae, the top expert in the world on the UN’s covert genocidal depopulation agenda and the various methods being used on a global level. He described how the depopulation and genocide are being carried out through biological methods with GMO foods and pesticides, poisonous vaccines and the man-made pandemics and epidemics, as well as with chemical methods that include endrocrine disruptors such as fluoride and BPA plastics and the chemtrails being sprayed across the skies. The biggest problems with stopping the depopulation policies in the US is the resistance by the people to believe that such an evil program exists and to accept the reality of what is being done to all us.

Focus on the Facts – 06.27.16

My guest is Kevin Galalae, an expert on the UN’s global depopulation agenda. He discussed the genocide being conducted through biological methods with GMOs, vaccines, and the man-made pandemics and epidemics, as well as the chemical methods being used to depopulate the planet with fluoride, endrocrine disruptors and the chem trails being sprayed across the skies.

Professor Francis A. Boyle – The Mass Rape Of The Bosnian Women Was Genocide!

University of Illinois College of Law, Women’s Law Symposium, March 9, 2016 The author won two Orders from the International Court of Justice overwhelmingly in favor of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Yugoslavia to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention on April 8, 1993 and September 13, 1993. …

Universities, Inc: How Academia Became a Business – BEN AGGER

We use shorthand for evaluating faculty: “She is productive.” We don’t necessarily have in mind a steel worker toiling in Andrew Carnegie’s factories but, given one’s orientation, perhaps a Hero of Socialist Labor. Factory work may be too grubby a metaphor for genteel academics. The antonym is worse: Loser, slacker, non-publisher. Generational politics are in play as young faculty who …

The Pentagon’s “Operation Jade Helm 15″: The Floodgate towards Martial Law and World War III? – Joachim Hagopian

First we learned that Operation Jade Helm 15 is coming this summer from mid-July through mid-September to a Southwest neighborhood near you stretching from Texas to California. Per government sources and their mainstream media outlets like the Washington Post, it’s nothing more than a benign massive military drill designed to test how effectively US Special Operations forces can covertly and as seamlessly …

Poor Countries To Need $400bn A Year To Fight Climate Crisis

Poor countries should receive between US$400 billion and US$2 trillion per year from rich countries by 2050 to help them cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fight climate crisis, finds a new paper published on March 16, 2015 by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy at …

Warning: American snack food looks healthier all the time — but it really isn’t

Americans are finally beginning to figure out that they’re too good for junk food, and the industry is feeling the burn. Bloomberg Businessweek’s latest cover story — “They’re Gr-r-ross” – takes the form of a premature eulogy to Tony the Tiger, and portrays the beloved mascot sporting a gas mask. Big Food itself isn’t even denying it anymore: Denise Morrison, CEO of Campbell …