William K. Black – Obsessing About The “Thin Blue Lines” While Elite White-Collar Crime Runs Rampant

The New York Times published a book review entitled “Thin Blue Lines.”  The two books reviewed were about street crimes.  Based solely on reading the NYT book review, and wearing my criminology hat, neither book adds materially to the useful literature.  The two books, and the book review, however, share a common characteristic that is worth analysis.  All three conflate “street crime” with “crime” and “police” …

Chris Hedges – We Must Understand Corporate Power to Fight It

In the winter of 1941, a Jewish gravedigger from Chelmo, the western province of Poland, appeared in Warsaw and desperately sought a meeting with Jewish leaders. He told them the Nazis were rounding up Jews, including the old, women and children, and forcing them into what looked like tightly sealed buses. The buses had the exhaust pipes redirected into the …

Obama Has Been At War Longer Than Any Other President In History

Bush was a horrible president. At the time, I thought he was the worst president in American history. But Obama has made a lot of firsts himself … For example, Obama: Has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined Sentenced whistleblowers to 31 times the jail time of all prior u.s. presidents combined Prosecuted fewer financial crimes than President Reagan, Clinton or either of the …

Graham E. Fuller – The Hillary Clinton/Neocon Merger

In this crazy year — actually a non-stop circus for 18 months — the press has engaged in an orgy of vitriol and bloodletting against the presumptive Republican nominee for the presidency with a hysteria I have never seen in my life against any mainstream party candidate. And the Donald probably deserves a great deal of it. Yes, we can …

The Gary Null Show – 05.06.16

n “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gives us great information on the topics below, as well as a great interview with Ray McGovern. Click on the links to read more or watch.

High blood pressure lowers significantly after drinking tart Montmorency cherry juice

Probiotic supplements beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis

T cells use ‘handshakes’ to sort friends from foes

Health Benefits of Amaranth Grain

Good nutrition positively affects social development

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this oldie but goodie: Bad Luck – Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. Gary then introduces his guest, Ray McGovern and is his bio:

Ray McGovern served as an Army intelligence officer and a CIA analyst for 27 years under 7 presidential administration, from the John F. Kennedy White House to that of George H. W. Bush. Among his duties was preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which was a one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s most senior national security advisers. He was responsible for the analysis of Soviet intelligence regarding Vietnam and at one time served as the Assistant National Intelligence Officer for Western Europe. Since retiring from government service, Ray has been a vocal peace activist and journalist and helped create Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to expose the way intelligence was falsified to “justify” war on Iraq and the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence. He also works with Tell the Word, an ecumenical Catholic publishing house. Ray’s opinion pieces appear in many leading news sources here and abroad. He holds degrees in theology and philosophy from Fordham University, an MA in Russian History, is a graduate from Harvard Business School

Gary played this video for Ray to listen to and discuss:

VIDEO: General Wesley Clark: Wars were planned – Seven countries in five years

This is the video Gary is discussing with Ray about Michael’s comments on George Bush Jr.

VIDEO: Michael Moore’s warning to Democrats: Take Trump seriously

DAVE LINDORFF – The Push to Make Sanders the Green Party’s Candidate

Bernie Sanders, to the consternation of critics in the Democratic Party, pundits in the corporate media, and purists on the hard left, has accomplished an amazing thing. Up against Hillary Clinton, surely the biggest, best-funded corporate-backed candidate the Democratic leadership has run since Walter Mondale lost to Ronald Reagan in 1984 over three decades ago, the once obscure independent Vermont …

Thomas Frank – Bill Clinton’s crime bill destroyed lives, and there’s no point denying it

Here is an actual headline that appeared in the New York Times this week: Prison Rate Was Rising Years Before 1994 Law. It is an unusual departure for a newspaper, since what is being reported here is not news but history – or, rather, a particular interpretation of history. The “1994 Law” to which the headline refers is the Violent Crime Control …

Sarah Lazare – Have We Learned Nothing? 13 Years After America’s Disastrous Iraq Invasion, Obama Quietly Deploys More Troops

It has been thirteen years since former president George W. Bush sat in the Oval Office and announced [3] the invasion and large-scale bombing of Iraq to “free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.” That war and occupation would go on to take the lives of over one million Iraqi people, according to [4] some estimates, and leave behind decimated infrastructure [5], environmental poison [6], asectarian [7] political …